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WNS catalog - Brazil

Name: WNS
Abbrev: WNS
Full name: World Numbering System

Number Type Isort Sort Source
BR001.02 postage 1/25/2002 r$1.45 multi issue=Year of the Horse 2002 unwmk 1
BR002.02 2/27/2002 r$0.55 issue=Costa 100th d=Lucio Costa 1
BR003.02 3/8/2002 r$0.40 issue=International Women's Day perf=11.5 1
BR004.02 3/19/2002 r$0.40 issue=São José Do Rio Preto 150th perf=11.5x12 1
BR005.02 4/21/2002 r$0.55 issue=Kubitschek 100th d=Juscelino Kubitschek 1
BR006.02 4/22/2002 r$0.55 issue=World Soccer Champions in the 20th Century 1
BR007.02 4/22/2002 r$0.55 1 0
BR008.02 4/28/2002 r$0.40 issue=The Progress of the Brazilian Education system 1
BR009.02 4/28/2002 r$0.40 1 0
BR010.02 5/1/2002 r$0.55 issue=Escrivá 100th d=Josemaría Escrivá 1
BR011.02 5/17/2002 r$0.55 issue=Esquadrilha Da Fumaça perf=11.5x12 1
BR012.02 5/17/2002 r$0.55 1 0
BR013.02 5/17/2002 r$0.55 1 0
BR014.02 5/17/2002 r$0.55 1 0
BR015.02 5/17/2002 r$0.55 1 0
BR016.02 5/17/2002 r$0.55 1 0
BR017.02 5/19/2002 r$0.40 issue=Cavalhadinha in Pirenópolis unwmk 1
BR018.02 5/19/2002 r$0.40 1 0
BR019.02 5/19/2002 r$0.40 1 0
BR020.02 5/19/2002 r$0.40 1 0
BR021.02 5/20/2002 r$0.55 d=Cannonball Tree
BR022.02 6/5/2002 r$0.40 dt=ecosystems of coraline reefs perf=11.5
BR023.02 6/5/2002 r$0.40 0
BR024.02 6/5/2002 r$0.40 0
BR025.02 6/5/2002 r$0.40 0
BR026.02 6/9/2002 r$0.70 issue=Sisterhood of th..harity Hospital of Curitiba 150th unwmk 1
BR027.02 7/14/2002 r$1.10 issue=Preservation of the Northeastern Caatinga Region perf=11 1
BR027MS.02 xlink sheet Colnect 192163-Preservation_of_the_Nort..tern_Caatinga_Region-Environment-Brazil
BR028.02 postage 7/17/2002 r$0.55 multi issue=Fluminense Football Club 100th unwmk 1
BR029.02 7/19/2002 r$1.00 issue=Santos Dumont's House - The Enchanted House perf=11.5 1
BR030.02 7/19/2002 r$1.00 1 0
BR031.02 7/25/2002 r$1.10 issue=Sivam Project - Surveillance system of Amazonia unwmk 1
BR032.02 7/26/2002 r$0.10 issue=Criança Espera..ness campaign to aid Brazilian children 1
BR033.02 7/26/2002 r$0.10 1 0
BR034.02 8/5/2002 r$0.40 d=Jorge Amado - The Bahia in Letters
BR035.02 8/6/2002 r$0.50 issue=State of Acre's Revolution 100th 1
BR036.02 9/14/2002 r$1.30 d=Environmental Prote..f the southern right whale perf=12x11.5
BR037.02 9/27/2002 r$0.45 d=Meeting of the Waters of the Negro and Solimoes Rivers
BR038.02 9/28/2002 r$0.40 d=Brazilian Personali..ilva, Olympic Gold Medalist 1952 & 1956
BR039.02 9/29/2002 r$0.60 dt=motorcycles (2002) d=YZF-R1 perf=11.5x12 1
BR040.02 9/29/2002 r$0.60 d=CG125 Titan 2
BR041.02 9/29/2002 r$0.60 d=GSX-R1000 3
BR042.02 9/29/2002 r$0.60 d=Daytona 955i Centennial Edition 4
BR043.02 9/29/2002 r$0.60 d=BMW R 1200C 5
BR044.02 9/29/2002 r$0.60 d=V-ROD 6
BR045.02 9/30/2002 r$0.55 dt=steam locomotives in Brazil d=Baroneza Locomotive N.1
BR046.02 9/30/2002 r$0.55 d=Locomotive N. 370 0
BR047.02 10/2/2002 r$1.00 d=Tourism - Bonito, State of Mato Grosso do Sul
BR048.02 10/25/2002 r$0.55 issue=Carlos de Andrade 100th d=Carlos Drummond de Andrade 1
BR049.02 11/14/2002 r$1.30 issue=America 2002 1
BR050.02 11/20/2002 r$0.40 d=National Archives
BR051.02 11/24/2002 r$0.45 d=The Sergio Motta Cultural Centre
BR052.02 11/29/2002 r$0.45 issue=Christmas 2002 1
BR053.02 12/3/2002 r$0.45 issue=Social Security 80th 1
BR054.02 12/3/2002 r$0.45 issue=Brazilian Ethnography 2
BR055.02 12/3/2002 r$0.45 2 0
BR056.02 12/3/2002 r$0.45 2 0
BR057.02 12/3/2002 r$0.45 2 0
BR058.02 12/3/2002 r$0.45 2 0
BR059.02 12/3/2002 r$0.45 perf=11.5 2 0
BR060.02 12/3/2002 r$0.45 unwmk 2 0
BR061.02 12/3/2002 r$0.45 2 0
BR062.02 7/2/2002 r$0.55 issue=Brazil - Five times Soccer Champion of the World 1
BR063.02 12/15/2002 r$0.60 issue=Iran-Brazil relations 100th d=Iranian ceramics 1
BR064.02 12/15/2002 r$0.60 issue=100 Years of D..erative Republic o d=Brazilian ceramics 2
BR065.02 2/4/2002 r$1.10 issue=Winter Olympics 2002 d=Alpine skiing perf=11.5x12 1
BR066.02 2/4/2002 r$1.10 d=Cross country 1 0
BR067.02 2/4/2002 r$1.10 d=luge (2002) 1 0
BR068.02 2/4/2002 r$1.10 d=bobsled (2002) 1 0

Prefixes: 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18
Suffixes: .09, MS