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WNS catalog - French Southern & Antarctic Territories

Name: WNS
Abbrev: WNS
Full name: World Numbering System

Number Type Isort Sort Source
TF001.08 postage 1/1/2008 0.15€ multi d=spinel (2008) unwmk
TF002.08 1/1/2008 0.54€ d=Samivel
TF003.08 1/1/2008 0.54€ d=map of St Paul Island 0
TF004.08 1/1/2008 0.90€ d=Centenary of the Settlement of Jeanne d'Arc Harbour
TF005.08 1/1/2008 0.90€ d=Wreck of the Esperance 0
TF006.08 1/1/2008 0.90€ d=southern rockhopper penguin (2008) 0
TF007.08 1/1/2008 4.00€ d=Ridge Scaled Rattail
TF008.08 1/1/2008 4.54€ d=FSAT as seen by Michel Granger
TF009.08 1/1/2008 4.90€ d=ICOTA Programme
TF010.08 1/1/2008 0,01€ issue=FSAT Flag 1
TF011.08 1/1/2008 0.02€ 1
TF012.08 1/1/2008 0.05€ 1
TF013.08 1/1/2008 0.10€ 1
TF014.08 1/1/2008 0.20€ 1
TF015.08 1/1/2008 2,50€ d=Scientific Evaluation Campaign POKER
TF016.08 1/1/2008 0.54€ issue=Elephant Seal 2
TF017.08 1/1/2008 0.54€ 2 0
TF018.08 1/1/2008 0.54€ 2 0
TF019.08 1/1/2008 0.54€ 2 0
TF020.08 2/9/2008 0.54€ d=Gérard Mégie
TF021.08 6/14/2008 4.54€ d=Galium antarcticum
TF022.08 7/1/2008 0.54€ issue=Scattered Islands Birds d=sooty tern (2008) 1 1
TF023.08 7/1/2008 0.54€ d=fou à pieds rouges (2008) 1 2
TF024.08 7/1/2008 0.54€ d=fou masque 1 3
TF025.08 7/1/2008 0.54€ d=great frigate bird 1 4
TF026.08 7/1/2008 0.54€ d=White tailed Tropicbird 1 5
TF027.08 11/6/2008 1234 d=Marion Dufresne II (2002)

Prefixes: 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14