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WNS catalog - Russia

Name: WNS
Abbrev: WNS
Full name: World Numbering System

Number Type Isort Sort Source
RU001.03 postage 1/8/2003 2.50r multi issue=Cen..ry of I.V. Kurchatov unwmk perf=12.5x12 2
RU002.03 1/8/2003 2.50r issue=Birth Centenary of A.P. Alexandrov 3
RU003.03 1/8/2003 5.00r issue=Research of Antarctica perf=12x12.5 1
RU004.03 1/8/2003 5.00r 1 0
RU005.03 1/10/2003 3.00r issue=Regions of Russia d=Kemerovo Region 1
RU006.03 1/10/2003 3.00r d=Magadan Region 1 0
RU007.03 1/10/2003 3.00r d=Kurgan Region 1 0
RU008.03 1/10/2003 3.00r d=Perm Region 1 0
RU009.03 1/10/2003 3.00r d=Astrakhan Region 1 0
RU010.03 1/10/2003 3.00r d=Uljanov Region 1 0
RU011.03 1/16/2003 3.00r issue=10th Anniversary..ergovernmental Communication by Courier 1
RU012.03 2/19/2003 4.00r issue=Davis Cup 2002 1
RU013.03 2/19/2003 8.00r 1
RU014.03 2/19/2003 50r 1
RU015.03 3/4/2003 8.00r issue=History of Russian State d=Yaroslav the Wise 1
RU016.03 3/4/2003 8.00r d=Vladimir Monomach 1 0
RU017.03 3/4/2003 8.00r d=Daniel of Moscow 1 0
RU018.03 3/4/2003 8.00r d=Ivan Ivanovich the Red 1 0
RU019.03 3/26/2003 5.00r issue=Monasteries of t..unnery of the Mother of God of Smolensk 1
RU020.03 3/26/2003 5.00r d=The Solovetsky Zosima and Savvatii Monastery 1 0
RU021.03 3/26/2003 5.00r d=The Seraphim Nunnery of the Holy Trinity in Diveyevo 1 0
0322 - 0324
RU025.03 3/26/2003 3.00r issue=300th Anniversary of Petrozavodsk 2
RU026.03 4/15/2003 3.00r issue=100 Years of Novosibirsk 1
RU027.03 4/15/2003 12.00r issue=300th Anniversary of Baltic Fleet 2
RU028.03 4/24/2003 2.50r issue=Birth Centenary of Aram Khachaturyan 1
RU029.03 5/5/2003 8.00r issue=Europa 2003 1
RU030.03 5/15/2003 5.00r issue=300th Anniversary of Saint Petersburg d=The Summer Garden 1
RU031.03 5/15/2003 5.00r d=The View of the Winter Garden 1 0
RU032.03 5/15/2003 5.00r d=The Palace Square 1 0
RU033.03 5/15/2003 5.00r d=The view of Spit of Vasilievsky Island 1 0
RU034.03 5/15/2003 5.00r d=The view of a bridge across the Neva River 1 0
RU035.03 5/15/2003 5.00r d=The view of the Anichkov Bridge across the Fontanka River 1 0
RU036.03 5/15/2003 50r d=Monument of Peter I 'The Bronze Horseman' 1
0337 - 0338
RU039.03 5/20/2003 3.00r issue=40th Anniversary..s First Space flight by V.V. Tereshkova 1
RU040.03 5/23/2003 75r issue=300th Anniversary of Saint Petersburg 1
RU041.03 5/23/2003 100r 1
RU042.03 5/25/2003 3.00r issue=Second World Ant..XXI Century without Drugs' perf=12x12.5 1
RU043.03 6/3/2003 3.00r issue=110 Years of Pskov 1
RU044.03 6/10/2003 4.00r issue=375 Years of Krasnoyarsk 1
RU045.03 6/10/2003 10.00r issue=60th Anniversary of Battle of Kursk 2
RU046.03 6/10/2003 5.00r issue=Counteraction Ag..on of Incomes Obtained by Illegal Means 3
RU047.03 6/25/2003 2.00r issue=World Natural Pillars on the Man-Pupuner Mountain 1
RU048.03 6/25/2003 3.00r d=Kozhim River 1
RU049.03 6/25/2003 5.00r d=The Upper Pechora 1
RU050.03 6/29/2003 12.00r issue=300 Years of Post of Saint Petersburg 1
RU051.03 7/22/2003 1.00r dt=beetles (2003 Russia) d=Lucanus cervus (2003)
RU052.03 7/22/2003 2.00r d=Calosoma sycophanta (2003)
RU053.03 7/22/2003 3.00r d=Carabus lopatini
RU054.03 7/22/2003 4.00r d=Carabus constricticollis
RU055.03 7/22/2003 5.00r d=Carabus caucasicus
RU056.03 7/30/2003 2.50r issue=10th Anniversary..tion of Academies of Sciences perf=11.5 1
RU057.03 8/14/2003 4.00r issue=World Climate Change Conference 2
RU058.03 8/14/2003 3.00r issue=350 Years of Chita 1
RU059.03 8/20/2003 2.00r issue=Twin Mushrooms d..oms d=Boletus satanas & Boletus kuridus 1
RU060.03 8/20/2003 2.50r d=Amanita phalloides & Agaricus campestris 1
RU061.03 8/20/2003 3.00r d=Amanita pantherina & Amanita rubescens 1
RU062.03 8/20/2003 4.00r d=Amanita porphyria & Amanita vaginata 1
RU063.03 8/20/2003 5.00r d=Tylopilus felleus & Boletus edulis 1
RU064.03 8/27/2003 5.00r issue=Gifts of Nature ..fruits (2003 Russia) d=pineapple (2003) 1
RU065.03 8/27/2003 5.00r d=pear (2003) 1 0
RU066.03 8/27/2003 5.00r d=Melon 1 0
RU067.03 8/27/2003 5.00r d=wild strawberry 1 0
RU068.03 8/27/2003 5.00r d=apples (2003) 1 0
RU069.03 9/9/2003 2.50r issue=Preserve the Caspian Sea Environment d=Caspian seal (2003) 1 1
RU070.03 9/9/2003 2.50r d=beluga (2003) 1 2
RU072.03 9/17/2003 3.00r issue=History of Russi..Cars d=Russo-Balt K 12/20, made in 1911 1
RU073.03 xlink Colnect 665922-NAMI-1_1929-History_of_Russian_Cars-Russia
RU074.03 postage 9/17/2003 4.00r multi issue=Hi..ssian Cars d=GAZ M1, made in 1939 unwmk 1
RU075.03 9/17/2003 5.00r d=GAZ 67b, made in 1946 1
RU076.03 9/17/2003 5.00r d=GAZ M20 'Podeba (Victory)', made in 1954 1 0
RU077.03 10/15/2003 3.00r issue=10th Anniversary of the Russian Federation Constitution 1
RU078.03 6/25/2003 2.00r issue=World Natural Pillars on the Man-Pupuner Mountain 1
RU079.03 11/5/2003 12.00r issue=150th Anniversary of the Battle of Sinop 1
RU080.03 12/1/2003 7.00r issue=New Year 2004 1
RU081.03 12/5/2003 1.00r issue=2003 d=Ostankino Palace 1
RU082.03 12/5/2003 1.50r d=Gatchinsky Palace 1
RU083.03 12/5/2003 6.00r d=The Great Palace of Pedrodvorets 1
RU084.03 12/5/2003 10.00r d=The Catherine Palace in Tsarskoye Selo 1
RU085.03 12/10/2003 2.50r issue=10th Anniversar..the Russian Federation Federal Assembly 1
RU086.03 12/10/2003 2.50r 1 0

Prefixes: 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18
Suffixes: .03, .13