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WNS catalog - Mayotte

Name: WNS
Abbrev: WNS
Full name: World Numbering System

Number Type Isort Sort Source
YT001.02 postage 1/2/2002 0,46€ multi issue=Departmental Collectivity of Mayotte unwmk 1
YT002.02 3/23/2002 0,41€ d=Athleticism perf=13
YT003.02 3/23/2002 1.52€ d=Kaweni Mangrove
YT004.02 6/1/2002 0,46€ d=25th Anniversary of Mayotte's Communities
YT005.02 6/1/2002 0.79€ d=Bandrélé Salt
YT006.02 7/27/2002 0,46€ issue=National Census 2002 1
YT007.02 9/21/2002 0.82€ d=Vestiges of the Sugar Industry
YT008.02 9/21/2002 0,46€ dt=birds of Mayotte d=Souimanga sunbird 1
YT009.02 9/21/2002 0,46€ d=Drongo 2
YT010.02 9/21/2002 0,46€ d=Olive White-eye (2002) 3
YT011.02 9/21/2002 0,46€ d=Foudy 4
YT012.02 11/16/2002 0,46€ d=Mount Choungui
YT013.02 11/16/2002 1.22€ d=jackfruit (2002)
YT001.03 1/1/2003 0,46€ d=Vanilla & Ylang Ecomuseum
YT002.03 2/1/2003 79c d=banana tree
YT003.03 4/7/2003 0,46€ d=woman with holiday face decoration
YT004.03 4/7/2003 79c d=swordfish
YT005.03 6/14/2003 1.52e d=mraha game
YT006.03 9/6/2003 0,45€ d=Mtzamboro College
YT007.03 9/6/2003 82c d=Ziara de Pole
YT008.03 6/14/2003 0.50€ d=gecko
YT009.03 airmail 11/17/2003 1.50e d=Dzaoudzi Rock perf=13
YT010.03 postage 11/17/2003 0.50€ d=basketball (2003)
YT001.04 1/5/2004 0.50€ d=The Wadaha perf=13
YT002.04 3/10/2004 0,01€ yel&blk issue=2004 d=map of Mayotte 1
YT003.04 3/10/2004 0.02€ gray&blk 1
YT004.04 3/10/2004 0.50€ dpbl&blk 1
YT005.04 3/10/2004 2.00€ vio&blk 1
YT006.04 4/5/2004 0.50€ multi issue=Butterfli..004 Mayotte) d=Papilio demodocus (2004) 1 2
YT007.04 4/5/2004 0.50€ d=Junonia rhadama (2004) 1 1
YT008.04 4/5/2004 0.50€ d=Acraea ranavalona 1 3
YT009.04 4/5/2004 0.50€ d=Danaus chrysippus (2004) 1 4
YT010.04 4/5/2004 0.90€ d=Sada Bay perf=13
YT011.04 4/17/2004 0.05€ grnbl&blk issue=2004 d=map of Mayotte 1
YT012.04 4/17/2004 0.10€ redpur&blk 1
YT013.04 4/17/2004 0.20€ org&blk 1
YT014.04 4/17/2004 1.00€ brtbl&blk 1
YT015.04 6/14/2004 0.50€ multi d=Paw Paw (2004 Mayotte)
YT016.04 6/14/2004 2.40€ d=Golden Jewel Filigree
YT017.04 9/27/2004 0.50€ d=The Bridge of the Kwalé River
YT018.04 9/27/2004 0.75€ d=ring-tailed lemur with young
YT019.04 11/15/2004 0,45€ d=Mamas Brochettis
YT020.04 11/15/2004 0.75€ d=Domino's players
YT021.04 7/17/2004 0,45€ dkgrn&blk issue=2004 d=map of Mayotte perf=13 1
YT001.05 1/4/2005 0.50€ multi d=Ilang-Ilang field
YT002.05 3/14/2005 0.53€ d=Traditional clothing of Mayotte\'s women
YT003.05 3/14/2005 0.64€ d=Bread Fruit tree
YT004.05 5/13/2005 0.90€ issue=Rotary International Centennial 1
YT005.05 5/13/2005 0.53€ issue=Sea Mammals dt=sea mammals (2005) perf=13x13.3 2
YT006.05 5/13/2005 0.53€ 2 0
YT007.05 5/13/2005 0.53€ 2 0
YT008.05 5/13/2005 0.53€ 2 0
YT009.05 7/4/2005 0.48€ d=My Island
YT010.05 9/12/2005 0.48€ d=Mamoudzou City
YT011.05 9/12/2005 0.75€ d=Canoe fishing
YT012.05 11/14/2005 0.53€ d=The Tam-Tam Beef
YT013.05 11/14/2005 0.53€ d=The Blacksmith at Work 0
YT001.06 1/16/2006 0.53€ d=grating coconut
YT002.06 5/15/2006 0.53€ d=Market in the Bush
YT003.06 5/15/2006 1.07€ d=Amphidromes
YT004.06 5/20/2006 0.48€ d=Moya Beach
YT005.06 5/20/2006 0.53€ issue=Turtle Protection perf=13.3x13 1
YT006.06 5/20/2006 0.53€ 1 0
YT007.06 5/20/2006 0.53€ 1 0
YT008.06 7/3/2006 0.53€ d=Aloe mayottensis
YT009.06 9/11/2006 0.53€ d=frangipani (2006)
YT010.06 9/11/2006 0.75€ d=Moulidi Dance
YT011.06 11/20/2006 0.54€ d=Phaeton perf=13
YT001.07 1/22/2007 0.54€ d=10 Years of Philately in Mayotte
YT002.07 1/22/2007 0.54€ d=Phanelopsis 0
YT003.07 3/19/2007 0.54€ d=The Auditors Court
YT004.07 3/19/2007 1.01€ d=Phyllostachys edulis
YT005.07 5/14/2007 0.54€ d=30th Anniversary of the Department Council of Mayotte
YT006.07 5/14/2007 0.54€ d=Traditional Housing in Mayotte 0
YT007.07 7/2/2007 0.54€ issue=Corals of Mayotte perf=13 1
YT008.07 7/2/2007 0.54€ 1 0
YT009.07 7/2/2007 0.54€ 1 0
YT010.07 7/2/2007 0.54€ 1 0
YT011.07 9/17/2007 0.54€ d=mango tree
YT012.07 9/17/2007 0.54€ d=chameleon 0
YT013.07 11/12/2007 0.54€ d=N'Gouja Beach
YT014.07 11/12/2007 0.54€ d=Le Voule perf=13 0
YT001.08 1/28/2008 0.54€ d=coconut palm & coconut
YT002.08 1/28/2008 0.54€ d=Le zebu 0
YT003.08 1/28/2008 0.55€ issue=Condiments from Mayotte d=cinnamon (2008) perf=13 1 1
YT004.08 1/28/2008 0.55€ d=nutmeg (2008 Mayotte) 1 2
YT005.08 1/28/2008 0.55€ d=Curcuma 1 3
YT006.08 1/28/2008 0.55€ d=ginger (2008) 1 4
YT007.08 5/26/2008 0.55€ d=hibiscus (2008)
YT008.08 5/26/2008 0.55€ d=The Great Marriage perf=13 0
YT009.08 6/23/2008 0.55€ d=Younoussa Bamana
YT010.08 9/22/2008 0.55€ d=M'Biwi
YT011.08 11/10/2008 0.55€ d=embroidery
YT012.08 12/8/2008 0.55€ d=Mamoudzou New Town Hall
YT001.09 1/12/2009 0.55€ d=Red Cardinal Fody perf=13
YT002.09 1/12/2009 0.55€ d=Electric Power Plant of Longoni 0
YT003.09 3/9/2009 0,56€ d=fishing with the Petromax Lantern
YT004.09 3/9/2009 0,56€ d=tamarind 0
YT005.09 5/18/2009 0.55€ issue=Spices of Mayotte d=cinnamon (2009 Mayotte) 1
YT006.09 5/18/2009 0.55€ d=nutmeg (2009) 1 0
YT007.09 5/18/2009 0.55€ d=Curcuma 1 0
YT008.09 5/18/2009 0.55€ d=ginger 1 0
YT009.09 6/29/2009 0,56€ issue=The Four Brothers 1
YT010.09 6/29/2009 0,56€ 1 0
YT011.09 9/21/2009 0,56€ d=jasmine (2009)
YT012.09 11/16/2009 0,56€ d=Le Gaboussi

Prefixes: 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09