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WNS catalog - Moldova

Name: WNS
Abbrev: WNS
Full name: World Numbering System

Number Type Isort Sort Source
MD001.11 postage 1/25/2011 1.20l multi issue=Mu..cuteni-Tripolie - Bitronconic pot unwmk 1
MD002.11 1/25/2011 0.85l d=Culture Cucuteni-Tripolie - Anthropomorphic amphora 1
MD003.11 1/25/2011 8.50l d=Culture Cucuteni-Tripolie - Bitronconic pot 1
MD004.11 2/15/2011 0.10l issue=2011 dt=Buildings from the Republic of Moldova 1
MD005.11 2/15/2011 0.25l 1
MD006.11 2/15/2011 0.85l 1
MD007.11 2/15/2011 1.00l 1
MD008.11 2/15/2011 1.20l 1
MD009.11 2/15/2011 1.50l 1
MD010.11 3/1/2011 1.20l dt=Handicrafts (2011) d=Martisor (March) Folk Artist
MD011.11 3/1/2011 4.20l d=Mask Portrait
MD012.11 3/1/2011 7.00l d=carpet
MD013.11 4/1/2011 0.85l dt=Painters Self-portraits d=Eugenia Malesevschi
MD014.11 4/1/2011 1.20l d=Nicolae Grigorescu (2011)
MD015.11 4/1/2011 2.00l d=Alexandru Plamadeala
MD016.11 4/1/2011 5.40l d=Mihail Grecu
MD017.11 4/9/2011 1.20l issue=50 Years since th..n flight in Space d=Yuri Gagarin (2011) 1
MD018.11 4/9/2011 8.50l d=Alan Shepard (2011) 1
MD019.11 4/9/2011 7.00l d=Virgil Grissom 1
MD020.11 4/9/2011 5.40l d=Gherman Titov 1
MD021.11 5/7/2011 4.20l issue=Europa 2011 1
MD022.11 5/7/2011 5.40l 1
MD023.11 5/20/2011 0.70l dt=garden flowers (2011) d=hyacinth (2011)
MD024.11 5/20/2011 0.85l d=tulip (2011)
MD025.11 5/20/2011 1.20l d=narcissus (2011)
MD026.11 5/20/2011 2.00l d=Viola
MD027.11 6/12/2011 1.20l issue=70 Years since the first Mass deportation of Bessarabians 1
MD028.11 6/23/2011 0.85l issue=20 Years from the First issue of Moldovan postage stamps 1
MD029.11 6/23/2011 1.20l 1
MD030.11 6/23/2011 4.20l 1
MD031.11 7/29/2011 0.85l dt=birds & animals (2011) d=badger (2011)
MD032.11 7/29/2011 1.20l d=hedgehog
MD033.11 7/29/2011 3.00l d=wolf
MD034.11 7/29/2011 4.20l d=fox (2011)
MD035.11 7/29/2011 0.85l d=Plegadis falcinellus (2011)
MD036.11 7/29/2011 1.20l d=Pelecanus onocrotalus - Great white pelican
MD037.11 7/29/2011 5.40l d=Platalea leucorodia - Eurasian spoonbill
MD038.11 7/29/2011 8.50l d=Aythya nyroca (2011)
MD039.11 8/27/2011 4.20l issue=20 Years since t..c of Moldova was proclaimed Independent 1
MD040.11 9/10/2011 1.20l issue=Smoking Seriously Harms 1
MD041.11 10/11/2011 1.20l issue=20 Years of Dip..ships - Republic of Moldova and Romania 1
MD042.11 10/11/2011 4.50l 1
MD043.11 10/13/2011 0.85l issue=Chisinau - 575 Years 1
MD044.11 10/13/2011 1.20l 1
MD045.11 10/13/2011 2.00l 1
MD046.11 10/13/2011 3.85l 1
MD047.11 10/13/2011 5.40l 1
MD048.11 11/25/2011 1.20l issue=60 Years of United Nations High Commission for Refugees 1
MD049.11 12/3/2011 1.20l issue=Winter holidays 2011 d=Dramatic Dance "Malanca" 1
MD050.11 12/3/2011 4.50l d=Dramatic Dance with masks 1
MD051.11 12/17/2011 0.85l issue=Magda Isanos - 95 Years dt=Great Personalities 2
MD052.11 12/17/2011 1.20l issue=Nicolae Sulac - 75 Years 1
MD053.11 12/17/2011 3.00l issue=Cleopatra Hrsanovschi - 150 Years 3
MD054.11 12/17/2011 4.50l issue=Franz Liszt - 200 Years 4

Prefixes: 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18