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WNS catalog - Uzbekistan

Name: WNS
Abbrev: WNS
Full name: World Numbering System

Number Type Isort Sort Source
UZ001.09 postage 2/2/2009 620.00s multi issue=Louis Braille 200th unwmk 1
UZ002.09 3/22/2009 350.00s d=Muhammad Tarag'ay Ulug'bek
UZ003.09 3/22/2009 750.00s d=Muhammad Tarag'ay Ulug'bek Rasadxonasi
UZ004.09 4/8/2009 310.00s dt=rare birds of Uzbekistan d=Rufibrenta ruficollis
UZ005.09 4/8/2009 350.00s d=Cygnus cygnus
UZ006.09 4/8/2009 620.00s d=Aythya nyroca (2009)
UZ007.09 4/8/2009 750.00s d=Anser erythropus (2009)
UZ008.09 6/1/2009 200.00s issue=International D.. Eyes of Children d=Pigeon of the World 1
UZ009.09 6/1/2009 200.00s 1 0
UZ010.09 6/1/2009 200.00s d=A Nest of Stork 1 0
UZ011.09 6/1/2009 200.00s d=Spring Evening 1 0
UZ012.09 6/1/2009 200.00s d=Holiday 1 0
UZ013.09 6/1/2009 200.00s d=Respect 1 0
UZ014.09 7/1/2009 450.00s dt=sports (2009) d=basketball (2009)
UZ015.09 7/1/2009 750.00s d=football (2009)
UZ016.09 8/17/2009 310.00s issue=Tashkent 2200th d=Building of Oliy Majlis 1
UZ017.09 8/17/2009 310.00s d=Senate 1 0
UZ018.09 8/17/2009 350.00s d=International Business Centre of Tashkent 1
UZ019.09 8/17/2009 350.00s d=State Museum of History of the Dynasty of Timurides 1 0
UZ020.09 8/17/2009 620.00s d=Turkiston Palace 1
UZ021.09 8/17/2009 620.00s d=Madrasah Barakhon Complex Hazrati Imam 1 0
UZ022.09 8/17/2009 750.00s d=Museum of Memory to Victims of Reprisals 1
UZ023.09 8/17/2009 750.00s d=Great Silk Way 1 0
UZ024.09 10/9/2009 350.00s dt=architecture of U..tan d=General view of the City of Khiva
UZ025.09 10/9/2009 750.00s d=Mausoleum Shayx Xovandi Tokhur (Tashkent)
UZ026.09 10/9/2009 1250.00s d=Samarqand Gate (Bukhara)
UZ027.09 12/1/2009 450.00s d=State Academic Big Theatre named by Alisher Navoi
UZ028.09 12/1/2009 600.00s d=Uzbek National Academic Drama Theatre
UZ029.09 12/28/2009 450.00s issue=Uzbek National Circus 1
UZ030.09 12/28/2009 600.00s 1
UZ031.09 12/28/2009 1200.00s 1
UZ032.09 12/28/2009 450.00s issue=Embroidery 20..dt=embroidery (2009) d=Suzane Samarqand 2
UZ033.09 12/28/2009 600.00s d=Suzane Bukhara 2
UZ034.09 12/28/2009 1000.00s d=Suzane Pskent 2
UZ035.09 12/28/2009 1200.00s d=Suzane Andijan 2

Prefixes: 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12