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Nova Scotian pound

Name: Nova Scotian pound
Defn: 240d=240p=20sh=20s=1lb
Units of money:
penny (pl: pence) d, p 1
shilling sh, s 12
pound lb 240

Users of this currency: Nova Scotia (7 stamps, 1851-1853)

Denominations used in this currency:
Denom Usages Selected stamps
1p 1   1853 redbrn issue=1851 d=Queen Victoria (1853 Nova Scotia)
3p 2   1851 bl issue=1851 d=crown & heraldic flowers
6p 2   1851 dkgrn issue=1851 d=crown & heraldic flowers
1sh 2   1851 dlvio issue=1851 d=crown & heraldic flowers

Used by 7 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Nova Scotia 1851 3p bl issue=1851 d=crown & heraldic flowers imperf
Nova Scotia 1851 3p dkbl issue=1851 d=crown & heraldic flowers imperf
Nova Scotia 1851 6p dkgrn issue=1851 d=crown & heraldic flowers
Nova Scotia 1851 6p yelgrn issue=1851 d=crown & heraldic flowers
Nova Scotia 1851 1sh dlvio issue=1851 d=crown & heraldic flowers imperf
Nova Scotia 1851 1sh redvio issue=1851 d=crown & heraldic flowers
Nova Scotia 1853 1p redbrn issue=1851 d=Queen Victoria (1853 Nova Scotia) imperf
