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Saint Pierre and Miquelon franc

Name: Saint Pierre and Miquelon franc
Defn: 100c=1fr
Symbol: ₣
Units of money:
centime c 1
franc fr 100

Users of this currency: St. Pierre & Miquelon (915 stamps, 1885-2001)

Denominations used in this currency:
Denom Usages Selected stamps
1c 5   1892 blk pc=lilbl issue=Navigation & Commerce d=Navigation & Commerce ... 1932 purbrn&ultra issue=1932 d=map of islands flanked by fishermen
0.02fr 1   1/1/1973 issue=1973 due
= 2c 8   1892 brn issue=Navigation & Commerce d=Navigation & Commerce ... 1942 dkblgrn issue=1942 Libre e d=dog team ovpt=FRANCE LIBRE//F. N. F. L. oc=blk on=issue=1938-2c
3c 2   11/17/1938 purbrn issue=1938 d=dog team, 1942 purbrn issue=1942 Libre e d=dog team ovpt=FRANCE LIBRE//F. N. F. L. oc=blk on=issue=1938-3c
4c 8   1892 cl issue=Navigation & Commerce d=Navigation & Commerce ... 1942 pur issue=1942 Libre e d=dog team ovpt=FRANCE LIBRE//F. N. F. L. oc=blk on=issue=1938-4c
0.05fr 1   1925 issue=1925 due
= 05c 4   1885 brnzgrn pc=straw issue=1885 d=Peace & Commerce var=I ovpt=05//bar//S P M oc=blk on=issuer=French Colonies-1877-1fr
= 5c 26   1885 brn pc=buff issue=1885b d=Commerce (1881) ovpt=value oc=blk on=issuer=French Colonies-1881-2c ... 2/4/1986 dkgray issue=1986
0.06fr 3   1/1/1973 issue=birds 1973 dt=birds (1973 St. Pierre & Miquelon) d=Clangula hyemalis (1973) ... 10/21/1975 dt=lighthouses (1975) d=thick-billed murre, Double-crested Cormorant, Pointe Plate lighthouse
0.10fr 7   1925 issue=1925 due ... 10/8/1997 blkbrn issue=1997
= 10c 28   1885 ver issue=1885 d=Peace & Commerce var=I ovpt=value oc=blk on=issuer=French Colonies-1877-40c ... 1990 issue=1990 ovpt=ST-PIERRE//ET//MIQUELON oc=blk on=issuer=France-10c
15c 12   1885 ver issue=1885 d=Peace & Commerce var=I ovpt=value oc=blk on=issuer=French Colonies-1877-40c ... 1942 olgrn issue=1942 due b d=Gadus morrhua
0.20fr 7   1925 issue=1925 due ... 10/8/1997 blgrn issue=1997
= 20c 18   1892 red issue=Navigation & Commerce d=Navigation & Commerce ... 1990 issue=1990 ovpt=ST-PIERRE//ET//MIQUELON oc=blk on=issuer=France-20c
0.25fr 1   1925 issue=1925 due
= 25c 17   1885 brnzgrn pc=straw issue=1885 d=Peace & Commerce var=I ovpt=value oc=blk on=issuer=French Colonies-1877-1fr ... 1942 pur&blk issue=1942 due
0.30fr 3   1925 issue=1925 due ... 1986 issue=1986 due d=Leplura cordigera
= 30c 22   1892 brn issue=Navigation & Commerce d=Navigation & Commerce ... 2/4/1986 redorg issue=1986
35c 4   1892 blk pc=yel issue=Navigation & Commerce d=Navigation & Commerce ... 1942 grn issue=1942 Libre e d=Port St. Pierre ovpt=FRANCE LIBRE//F. N. F. L. oc=blk on=issue=1938-35c
0.40fr 2   1/1/1973 issue=birds 1973 dt=birds (1973 St. Pierre & Miquelon) d=Clangula hyemalis (1973), 1986 issue=1986 due d=Paedurus littoralis
= 40c 16   1892 red pc=straw issue=Navigation & Commerce d=Navigation & Commerce ... 2/4/1986 issue=1986
0.45fr 1   1925 issue=1925 due
= 45c 8   1909 vio&olgrn issue=1909 d=fulmar petrel (1909) ... 1942 red&grn issue=1942 Libre b d=lighthouse & fish ovpt=FRANCE LIBRE//F. N. F. L. oc=blk on=issue=1932-45c
0.50fr 5   1925 issue=1925 due ... 10/8/1997 issue=1997
= 50c 24   1892 car issue=Navigation & Commerce d=Navigation & Commerce ... 1990 issue=1990 ovpt=ST-PIERRE//ET//MIQUELON oc=blk on=issuer=France-50c
50c+1fr50c 1   1944 bl issue=Colonial Fund 1944 d=++on=2.50c+f
55c 2   11/17/1938 grnbl issue=1938 d=Port St. Pierre, 1942 grnbl issue=1942 Libre e d=Port St. Pierre ovpt=FRANCE LIBRE//F. N. F. L. oc=blk on=issue=1938-55c
0.60fr 3   1925 issue=1925 due ... 10/20/1975 dt=Artisan Handicrafts
= 60c 12   12/1/1892 blk issue=1892 provisional d=scroll (1882) ovpt=T//ST.PIERRE M-on//P oc=blk on=issuer=French Colonies-60c-blk ... 10/6/1947 issue=1947 d=cod (1947)
65c 8   1924 vio&olgrn issue=1924 provisional d=fulmar petrel (1909) oc=blk on=1909-45c-vio&olgrn ... 1942 dkbrn<org issue=1942 Libre b d=fishing steamer & sea gulls ovpt=FRANCE LIBRE//F. N. F. L. oc=blk on=issue=1932-65c
0.70fr 3   1/1/1973 issue=birds 1973 dt=birds (1973 St. Pierre & Miquelon) d=Fratercula arctica (1973) ... 8/10/1976 issue=Olympics 1976
= 70c 5   1939 issue=1938 d=Port St. Pierre ... 1945 dkbl issue=1945 provisional d=fishing schooner oc=blk on=issue=1942 schooner-5c
75c 5   1892 vio issue=Navigation & Commerce d=Navigation & Commerce ... 1942 yelgrn&orgred issue=1942 Libre c d=map of islands flanked by fishermen ovpt=FRANCE//LIBRE//FNFL oc=blk on=issue=1932-75c
80c 6   11/17/1938 vio issue=1938 d=Tortue Lighthouse ... 10/6/1947 ultra issue=1947 d=cod (1947)
85c 1   1924 brn&ol issue=1924 provisional d=fulmar petrel (1909) oc=blk on=1909-75c-brn&ol
0.90fr 2   1/1/1973 issue=birds 1973 dt=birds (1973 St. Pierre & Miquelon) d=Nyctea scandiaca (1973), 10/9/1974 issue=100th Anniversary of Universal Postal Union
= 90c 9   1924 brnred&org issue=1924 provisional oc=blk on=75c-brnred&org-unissued ... 1942 issue=1942 Libre e d=Tortue Lighthouse ovpt=FRANCE LIBRE//F. N. F. L. oc=blk on=issue=1938-90c
1.00fr 3   1/1/1973 ultra&blk issue=1973 due ... 1/7/1998 org issue=1997
= 1fr 32   1892 brnzgrn pc=straw issue=Navigation & Commerce d=Navigation & Commerce ... 11/6/1996 issue=50th Paris Autumn Stamp Show
1+1fr 1   1941 red issue=National Defense
1+2.50fr 1   1944 pur issue=Colonial Fund 1944
1.10fr 3   1928 issue=1909 d=fishing schooner (1909) ... 10/17/1987 issue=fishery 1986
1.20fr 4   1945 dkbl issue=1945 provisional d=fishing schooner oc=blk on=issue=1942 schooner-5c ... 10/5/1976 dt=Stern Trawlers d="Croix de Lorraine"
1.20+1.80fr 1   6/22/1942 bl&red issue=Colonial Education Fund
1.25fr 9   1924 dkbl&ultra issue=1924 provisional oc=blk on=1fr-dkbl&ultra-unissued ... 1942 issue=1942 Libre g d=people of the colonies ovpt=FRANCE LIBRE//F. N. F. L.//bars,value oc=blk on=5/10/1939-1.25fr
1.30fr 1   8/7/1988 issue=fishery 1986
1.40fr 8   1940 issue=1938 d=Tortue Lighthouse ... 3/6/1991 yelgrn d=Tools of the Shipwright
1.50fr 20   1924 ultra&dkbl issue=1924 provisional oc=blk on=1fr-ultra&dkbl-unissued ... 4/15/1996 d=blacksmith and His Tools
1.50+3fr 1   1941 pur issue=National Defense
1.50+3.50fr 1   6/22/1942 grn issue=Children's Fund
1.60fr 7   1940 issue=1938 d=Tortue Lighthouse ... 8/7/1988 issue=fishery 1986
1.70fr 12   7/14/1989 issue=fishery 1986 ... 4/18/2001|0.26€ d=Hay Harvest
1.75fr 6   1933 issue=1932 d=fishing steamer & sea gulls ... 1942 issue=1942 Libre b d=fishing steamer & sea gulls ovpt=FRANCE LIBRE//F. N. F. L. oc=blk on=issue=1932-1.75fr
1.75fr+50c 1   1938 brtultra issue=Curie d=Pierre & Marie Curie
1.80fr 7   2/4/1986 yelgrn issue=1986 ... 4/15/1996 d=blacksmith and His Tools
1.90fr 1   11/18/1975 issue=Pre-Olympic Year
2.00fr 16   1/1/1973 issue=Historic People dt=Historic People d=Frontenac ... 4/18/2001|0.30€ d=Hay Harvest
= 2fr 28   12/1/1892 brn issue=1892 provisional d=scroll (1882) ovpt=T//ST.PIERRE M-on//P oc=blk on=issuer=French Colonies-2fr-brn ... 4/9/1997 d=boat building
2+6fr 1   6/22/1942 brn issue=Children's Fund
2.10fr 1   1990 issue=1990 ovpt=ST-PIERRE//ET//MIQUELON oc=blk on=issuer=France-2.10fr
2.20fr 19   9/7/1976 d=Vigie Dam ... 12/2/1991 yelgrn
2.25fr 6   1939 bl issue=1938 d=Soldiers Bay (1938) ... 1942 issue=1942 Libre g d=people of the colonies ovpt=FRANCE LIBRE//F. N. F. L.//bars,value oc=blk on=5/10/1939-2.25fr
2.30fr 5   1990 issue=1990 ovpt=ST-PIERRE//ET//MIQUELON oc=blk on=issuer=France-2.30fr ... 12/15/1990 issue=Christmas 1990
2.40fr 2   1945 issue=1945 provisional d=fishing schooner oc=blk on=issue=1942 schooner-25c, 1990 issue=1990 ovpt=ST-PIERRE//ET//MIQUELON oc=blk on=issuer=France-2.40fr
2.50fr 38   1940 orgyel issue=1938 d=Soldiers Bay (1938) ... 1/13/1993 issue=50th Anniversary of the Death of Commander R. Birot
2.50+1fr 1   1941 bl issue=National Defense
2.70fr 2   1990 issue=1990 ovpt=ST-PIERRE//ET//MIQUELON oc=blk on=issuer=France-2.70fr, 8/13/1997 issue=1997
2.80fr 21   7/28/1993 dt=fishes (1993 St. Pierre & Miquelon) ... 1/15/1996 issue=50th Anniversary of the Death of Commander Jean Levasseur
3.00fr 31   7/9/1997 dt=fishes (1997 St. Pierre & Miquelon) d=Prionace glauca (1997) ... 11/28/2001|0,46€ issue=Christmas 2001
= 3fr 65   1924 olbrn&redvio issue=1924 provisional oc=blk on=5fr-olbrn&redvio-unissued ... 1/12/2000
3.20fr 2   2/4/1986 issue=1986, 1990 issue=1990 ovpt=ST-PIERRE//ET//MIQUELON oc=blk on=issuer=France-3.20fr
3.40fr 1   1990 issue=1990 d=Marianne (de Briat) ovpt=ST-PIERRE//ET//MIQUELON oc=blk on=issuer=France-3.40fr
3.50fr 3   1990 issue=1990 ovpt=ST-PIERRE//ET//MIQUELON oc=blk on=issuer=France-3.50fr ... 10/8/1997 yelgrn issue=1997
3.60fr 2   10/6/1947 brnorg issue=1947 d=weighing the catch, 3/10/1993 d=Monochamus scutellatus on Cichorium intybus
3.70fr 9   10/6/1993 ... 3/18/1996 d=Cladonia verticillata & Polytrichum juniperinum
3.80fr 11   1990 pnk issue=1990 ovpt=ST-PIERRE//ET//MIQUELON oc=blk on=issuer=France-3.80fr-pnk ... 3/23/2001|0,58€ d=Vaccinium oxycoccos
4.00fr 1   1/1/1973 issue=Historic People dt=Historic People d=Cavalier de la Salle
= 4fr 13   1942 issue=1942 schooner d=fishing schooner ... 1990 issue=1990 ovpt=ST-PIERRE//ET//MIQUELON oc=blk on=issuer=France-4fr
4.20fr 2   1990 issue=1990 d=Marianne (de Briat) ovpt=ST-PIERRE//ET//MIQUELON oc=blk on=issuer=France-4.20fr, 1/7/1998 issue=1997
4.40fr 2   1990 issue=1990 ovpt=ST-PIERRE//ET//MIQUELON oc=blk on=issuer=France-4.40fr, 10/8/1997 issue=1997
4.50fr 3   1945 issue=1945 provisional d=fishing schooner oc=blk on=issue=1942 schooner-25c ... 1/7/1998 issue=1997
5.00fr 3   1/7/1998 turq issue=1997 ... 9/26/2001|0.76€ d=Saint-Pierre Pointe Blanche Airport
= 5fr 38   12/1/1892 brn issue=1892 provisional d=scroll (1882) ovpt=T//ST.PIERRE M-on//P oc=blk on=issuer=French Colonies-5fr-brn ... 4/14/1997 d=Falco peregrinus (1997 St. Pierre & Miquelon)
5+20fr 1   1944 ultra issue=Red Cross 1944
5.10fr 5   10/12/1992 issue=500th Anniversary of Discovery of America ... 2/12/1996 d=Boxing on St. Pierre and Miguelon
5.20fr 5   4/9/1997 d=volleyball (1997) ... 2/21/2001|0.79€ d=Reflections - M. Borotra
5.40fr 3   10/6/1999 redvio ... 9/26/2001|0.82€ grnblk d=The Marie-Thérèse
5.70fr 2   1/17/2000 blgrn dt=whales (2000) d=Balaenoptera physalus (2000), 1/24/2001 gray&grn issue=Whales dt=whales (2001 St. Pierre & Miquelon) d=Globicephala melaena (2001 St. Pierre & Miquelon)
6fr 5   10/6/1947 ltbl issue=1947 d=fishing boats (1947) ... 10/20/1970 dt=berries d=Vaccinium myrtillus (1970)
6.70fr 1   1/7/1998 blkgrn issue=1997
8fr 3   5/8/1946 dpbl issue=Victory ... 12/1/1952 issue=Military Medal d=Military Medal & soldiers
10.00fr 2   9/12/2001|1.52€
= 10fr 27   1924 ver&olgrn issue=1924 provisional oc=blk on=5fr-ver&olgrn-unissued ... 5/11/1998 d=Haliaeetus leucocephalus (1998 St. Pierre & Miquelon)
10+2₣ 1   1950 issue=Social works in favor of France overseas
1234 3   6/6/1993 rosered issue=Stamps from France ... 4/8/1998 dkrose issue=1997
13.70fr 2   11/2/1988, 9/9/1989
14fr 2   11/13/1995 issue=25th Anniversary of the Death of Charles de Gaulle, 6/11/1997 issue=70th Anniversary of Disappearance of Charles Nungesser and Francois Coli on attempted Non-stop Fligh
14.50fr 2   10/10/1990 issue=City of Saint Pierre d=Saint-Pierre, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, 10/18/1991 issue=Natural Heritage
15.00fr 1   4/23/2001 d=Ardea herodias (2001)
= 15fr 9   1945 issue=1945 provisional d=fishing schooner oc=blk on=issue=1942 schooner-2.50fr ... 5/20/1996
15.10fr 1   8/12/1992 dt=Dolisie Valley, Langlade
15.50fr 5   8/19/1996 issue=Miquelon ... 10/4/2000
16fr 3   8/18/1993 dt=Sylvain Hills ... 8/21/1995 dt=Geological Research
17fr 1   10/10/1952 d=silver fox
20fr 22   1924 vio&ver issue=1924 provisional oc=blk on=5fr-vio&ver-unissued ... 5/5/1999 d=Anas acuta (1999 St. Pierre & Miquelon)
22fr 1   9/27/1971 issue=30th Anniversary of Allegiance to Free French Movement dt=British Corvettes on Loan to Free French d=HMS Aconite
25fr 15   8/17/1942 ultra issue=1942 air d=Cross of Lorraine & four-engine airplane ... 9/27/1971 issue=30th Anniversary of Allegiance to Free French Movement dt=British Corvettes on Loan to Free French d=HMS Alyssum
30fr 6   8/5/1963 bl&dkbrn issue=Albert Calmette 100th d=Albert Calmette ... 8/25/1971 dt=Fisheries Protection Vessels d="St. Francis of Assisi", 1900
34fr 6   9/28/1964 dt=animals (1964 St. Pierre & Miquelon) d=Charolais beef ... 12/8/1970 issue=animal husbandry d=Charolais bull
35fr 2   8/25/1971 dt=Fisheries Protection Vessels d="St. Jehanne", 1920, 11/9/1971 issue=1st Anniversary of the Death of De Gaulle
40fr 5   7/4/1955 d=fish freezing plant ... 8/25/1971 dt=Fisheries Protection Vessels d="L'Aventure", 1950
45fr 2   10/25/1971 issue=St. Pierre Museum d=map & sextant, 11/9/1971 issue=1st Anniversary of the Death of De Gaulle
48fr 4   1966 issue=D1 satellite launch ... 11/10/1970 issue=animal husbandry d=refrigerated ship in front of slaughterhouse
50fr 10   8/17/1942 dkgrn issue=1942 air d=Cross of Lorraine & four-engine airplane ... 9/27/1971 issue=30th Anniversary of Allegiance to Free French Movement dt=British Corvettes on Loan to Free French d=HMS Mimosa
60fr 5   1964 issue=Philatec ... 1970 d=Sébastien Le Gonard de Sourdeval
80fr 1   8/25/1971 dt=Fisheries Protection Vessels d="Commandant Bourdais", 1970
85fr 1   1970 d=World Expo in Osaka Japan
100fr 8   8/17/1942 plm issue=1942 air d=Cross of Lorraine & four-engine airplane ... 6/8/1972 issue=General De Gaulle Commemoration
200fr 4   10/6/1947 blblk&rose issue=1947 air d=plane & ice-coated sailing vessel ... 1969 d=L'Espérance & Saint-Malo
300fr 1   1969 d=Pierre Loti & fishing boats
500fr 3   10/22/1956 ultra&ind d=plane over St. Pierre ... 1968 issue=50th anniversary of the Armistice

Used by 915 stamps: (See all uses as list)
St. Pierre & Miquelon 1885 05c car issue=1885 d=Peace & Commerce var=I ovpt=value oc=blk on=issuer=French Colonies-1878-75c imperf
St. Pierre & Miquelon 1885 05c ver issue=1885 d=Peace & Commerce var=I ovpt=value oc=blk on=issuer=French Colonies-1877-40c imperf
St. Pierre & Miquelon 1885 05c vioblk pc=org issue=1885 d=Peace & Commerce var=II ovpt=value oc=blk on=issuer=French Colonies-1878-35c imperf
St. Pierre & Miquelon 1885 10c ver issue=1885 d=Peace & Commerce var=I ovpt=value oc=blk on=issuer=French Colonies-1877-40c imperf
St. Pierre & Miquelon 1885 15c ver issue=1885 d=Peace & Commerce var=I ovpt=value oc=blk on=issuer=French Colonies-1877-40c imperf
St. Pierre & Miquelon 1885 25c brnzgrn pc=straw issue=1885 d=Peace & Commerce var=I ovpt=value oc=blk on=issuer=French Colonies-1877-1fr imperf
St. Pierre & Miquelon 1885 25c brnzgrn pc=straw issue=1885 d=Peace & Commerce var=I ovpt=value oc=blk on=issuer=French Colonies-1877-1fr imperf
St. Pierre & Miquelon 1885 5c brn pc=buff issue=1885b d=Commerce (1881) ovpt=value oc=blk on=issuer=French Colonies-1881-2c perf=14x13.5
St. Pierre & Miquelon 1885 5c cl pc=lav issue=1885b d=Commerce (1881) ovpt=value oc=blk on=issuer=French Colonies-1881-4c perf=14x13.5
St. Pierre & Miquelon 1885 5c red pc=yelgrn issue=1885b d=Commerce (1881) ovpt=value oc=blk on=issuer=French Colonies-1881-20c perf=14x13.5
St. Pierre & Miquelon 1885 05c brnzgrn pc=straw issue=1885 d=Peace & Commerce var=I ovpt=05//bar//S P M oc=blk on=issuer=French Colonies-1877-1fr imperf
St. Pierre & Miquelon 2/1886 15c blk
St. Pierre & Miquelon 2/1886 10c blk
St. Pierre & Miquelon 2/1886 5c blk
St. Pierre & Miquelon 1892 1c blk pc=lilbl issue=Navigation & Commerce d=Navigation & Commerce
St. Pierre & Miquelon 1892 2c brn issue=Navigation & Commerce d=Navigation & Commerce
St. Pierre & Miquelon 1892 4c cl issue=Navigation & Commerce d=Navigation & Commerce
St. Pierre & Miquelon 1892 5c grn issue=Navigation & Commerce d=Navigation & Commerce
St. Pierre & Miquelon 1892 30c brn issue=Navigation & Commerce d=Navigation & Commerce
St. Pierre & Miquelon 1892 10c blk issue=Navigation & Commerce d=Navigation & Commerce
St. Pierre & Miquelon 1892 40c red pc=straw issue=Navigation & Commerce d=Navigation & Commerce
St. Pierre & Miquelon 1892 15c bl issue=Navigation & Commerce d=Navigation & Commerce
St. Pierre & Miquelon 1892 35c blk pc=yel issue=Navigation & Commerce d=Navigation & Commerce
St. Pierre & Miquelon 1892 20c red issue=Navigation & Commerce d=Navigation & Commerce
St. Pierre & Miquelon 1892 25c blk issue=Navigation & Commerce d=Navigation & Commerce
... skipping 865 ...
St. Pierre & Miquelon 12/6/2000 2.00fr issue=Twentieth Century, 1950-2000
St. Pierre & Miquelon 12/6/2000 2.00fr issue=Twentieth Century, 1950-2000
St. Pierre & Miquelon airmail 12/13/2000 5.00fr d=Buteo lagopus (2000)
St. Pierre & Miquelon 12/27/2000 3.00fr issue=New Millennium
St. Pierre & Miquelon 1/24/2001 3.00fr gray&bl issue=Whales dt=whales (2001 St. Pierre & Miquelon) d=Orcinus orca (2001 St. Pierre & Miquelon)
St. Pierre & Miquelon 1/24/2001 5.70fr gray&grn issue=Whales dt=whales (2001 St. Pierre & Miquelon) d=Globicephala melaena (2001 St. Pierre & Miquelon)
St. Pierre & Miquelon 2/21/2001 5.20fr|0.79€ d=Reflections - M. Borotra
St. Pierre & Miquelon 3/23/2001 3.80fr|0,58€ d=Vaccinium oxycoccos
St. Pierre & Miquelon 4/18/2001 1.70fr|0.26€ d=Hay Harvest
St. Pierre & Miquelon 4/18/2001 2.00fr|0.30€ d=Hay Harvest
St. Pierre & Miquelon airmail 4/23/2001 15.00fr d=Ardea herodias (2001)
St. Pierre & Miquelon 6/20/2001 3.00fr|0,46€ dt=Seasons
St. Pierre & Miquelon 6/20/2001 3.00fr|0,46€ dt=Seasons
St. Pierre & Miquelon 7/25/2001 3.00fr|0,46€ dt=porches (2001)
St. Pierre & Miquelon 7/25/2001 3.00fr|0,46€ dt=porches (2001)
St. Pierre & Miquelon 7/25/2001 3.00fr|0,46€ dt=porches (2001)
St. Pierre & Miquelon 7/25/2001 3.00fr|0,46€ dt=porches (2001)
St. Pierre & Miquelon 9/12/2001 10.00fr|1.52€
St. Pierre & Miquelon 9/12/2001 10.00fr|1.52€
St. Pierre & Miquelon 9/26/2001 5.40fr|0.82€ grnblk d=The Marie-Thérèse
St. Pierre & Miquelon 9/26/2001 5.00fr|0.76€ d=Saint-Pierre Pointe Blanche Airport
St. Pierre & Miquelon 10/17/2001 3.00fr dt=Seasons
St. Pierre & Miquelon 10/17/2001 3.00fr dt=Seasons
St. Pierre & Miquelon 11/14/2001 3.00fr issue=90th Anniversary of the Birth of Jacques Pepin Lehalleur
St. Pierre & Miquelon 11/28/2001 3.00fr|0,46€ issue=Christmas 2001
