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8c denom (#11027) (Negri Sembilan usage only)

  • Colnect-3529-536-Tiger-Panthera-tigris.jpg
  • Colnect-600-676-Arms-of-Territory.jpg
  • Colnect-600-693-Arms-of-Territory.jpg
  • Colnect-600-694-Arms-of-Territory.jpg
  • Colnect-4180-094-East-Coast-Railway.jpg
Desc: 8c

Currency: Straits dollar (100c=1$)

Numerical sorting value: 480

Users of this denom: Bangkok (2 stamps, 1882-1883), Labuan (13 stamps, 1880-1902), Johore (8 stamps, 1904-1960), Kedah (6 stamps, 1912-1959), Kelantan (6 stamps, 1911-1962), Negri Sembilan (5 stamps, 1896-1957), Pahang (5 stamps, 1889-1957), Perak (8 stamps, 1890-1957), Selangor (6 stamps, 1895-1961), Sungei Ujong (1 stamp, 1883), Trengganu (7 stamps, 1910-1957), Straits Settlements (25 stamps, 1867-1945), Japanese occupation of the Straits Settlements (6 stamps, 1942-1943) Show with all usages

Used by 5 stamps of Negri Sembilan: (See all uses as list)

1896 8c issue=1896 d=tiger (1896)
1935 8c gray issue=1935 d=arms of Negri Sembilan
4/1/1949 8c scar issue=1949 d=arms of Negri Sembilan & palms
9/1/1952 8c grn issue=1949 d=arms of Negri Sembilan & palms
1957 8c dkgrn issue=arms pictorials d=East Coast Railway & arms of Negri Sembilan