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1/2c denom (#11611) (South West Africa usage only)

  • Colnect-5266-771-Post-Office-Windhoek.jpg
  • Colnect-3669-137-Post-Office-Windhoek.jpg
Desc: 1/2c

Currency: South African rand (100c=1r)

Numerical sorting value: 30

Users of this denom: Basutoland (3 stamps, 1961-1965), Lesotho (4 stamps, 1966-1971), South Africa (4 stamps, 1961-1972), South West Africa (5 stamps, 1961-1968), Swaziland (7 stamps, 1961-1969) Show with all usages

Used by 5 stamps of South West Africa: (See all uses as list)

2/14/1961 1/2c bl&brn issue=1961 d=Post Office Windhoek wmk=coat of arms
1962 1/2c issue=1962
1966 1/2c issue=1966 wmk=mult RSA
1968 1/2c issue=1968 wmk=RSA in triangle
1968 1/2c issue=1968 wmk=RSA in triangle