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4c denom (#13385)

  • Colnect-2713-955-King-George-V.jpg
  • Canada_KGV_1928_issue3-4c-8c.jpg-crop-573x678at0-0.jpg
  • Colnect-657-317-King-George-V-Arch-Issue.jpg
  • Colnect-657-402-King-George-V.jpg
  • Colnect-657-442-King-George-V.jpg
  • Colnect-657-754-King-George-VI.jpg
  • Colnect-657-903-Grain-Elevators.jpg
  • Colnect-4158-462-King-George-VI-in-Military-Uniform.jpg
  • Colnect-1293-557-King-George-VI.jpg
  • Can_Alexander_Graham_Bell_1947-4c.jpg
  • Colnect-652-330-Canadian-Citizenship.jpg
  • Colnect-658-180-Princess-Elizabeth.jpg
  • Colnect-2908-776-King-George-VI.jpg
  • Colnect-652-331-Responsible-Government.jpg
  • Colnect-2688-389-King-George-VI.jpg
  • Colnect-2694-281-King-George-VI----Postes-Postage-.jpg
  • Colnect-652-332-John-Cabot-rsquo-s-Ship--ldquo-Matthew-rdquo-.jpg
  • Colnect-652-333-Founding-of-Halifax-1749.jpg
  • Colnect-1406-207-King-George-VI-from-photographs-by-Dorothy-Wilding.jpg
  • Colnect-658-189-King-George-VI-from-photographs-by-Dorothy-Wilding.jpg
  • Colnect-2914-373-King-George-VI-from-photographs-by-Dorothy-Wilding.jpg
  • Colnect-2710-248-King-George-VI--Postes-Postage-.jpg
  • Colnect-658-195-William-Lyon-Mackenzie-King.jpg
  • Colnect-658-197-King-George-VI-from-photographs-by-Dorothy-Wilding.jpg
  • Colnect-658-198-Mail-Trains-of-1851---1951.jpg
  • Colnect-658-202-Princess-Elizabeth-and-Duke-of-Edinburgh.jpg
  • Colnect-658-204-Red-Cross-Emblem.jpg
  • Colnect-658-206-Alexander-Mackenzie.jpg
  • Colnect-659-266-Bighorn-Sheep-Ovis-canadensis.jpg
  • Colnect-659-270-Queen-Elizabeth-II.jpg
  • Colnect-2722-027-Coronation-of-Queen-Elizabeth-II.jpg
  • Colnect-2687-409-Queen-Elizabeth-II.jpg
  • Colnect-4371-126-Queen-Elizabeth-II.jpg
  • Colnect-2723-837-Queen-Elizabeth-II.jpg
  • Colnect-2726-518-Queen-Elizabeth-II.jpg
  • Colnect-659-274-Walrus-Odobenus-rosmarus.jpg
  • Colnect-659-282-John-Thompson.jpg
  • Colnect-660-939-Muskox-Ovibos-moschatus.jpg
  • Colnect-660-944-Richard-B-Bennett.jpg
  • Colnect-660-947-Reindeer---Caribou-Rangifer-tarandus.jpg
  • Colnect-666-198-Queen-Elizabeth-II-power-pylon.jpg
  • Colnect-2727-240-Queen-Elizabeth-II-power-pylon.jpg
  • Colnect-2749-870-Queen-Elizabeth-II-power-pylon.jpg
  • Colnect-2732-185-QE-II-ship-in-lock-in-the-St-Lawrence-Seaway.jpg
  • Colnect-728-738-QE-II-ship-in-lock-in-the-St-Lawrence-Seaway.jpg
  • Colnect-1291-879-William-Lyon-Mackenzie-King.jpg
  • Colnect-210-409-Hepatica-Hepatica-acutiloba.jpg
  • Colnect-2418-012-Hepatica-Hepatica-acutiloba.jpg
  • Colnect-587-431-Oyster-Farming.jpg
  • CA075.10.jpg
  • CA081.12.jpg
Desc: 4c

Currency: Canadian dollar (100c=1$)

Numerical sorting value: 240

Users of this denom: Canada (55 stamps, 1922-2012)

Used by 55 stamps of Canada: (See all uses as list)

7/3/1922 4c olbis issue=1911 d=King George V (1911 Canada) perf=12
1928 4c bis issue=scroll d=King George V (1928 Canada) perf=12
11/5/1930 4c yelbis issue=Arch d=King George V (arch) perf=12
12/1/1932 4c och issue=medallion d=George V Medallion perf=11
6/1/1935 4c yel issue=1935 d=King George V (1935 Canada) perf=12
4/1/1937 4c yel issue=1937 d=King George VI (1937 Canada) perf=12
7/1/1942 4c grnblk issue=war effort d=grain elevators (1942) perf=12
4/1/1943 4c dkcar issue=war effort d=King George VI in army uniform perf=12
5/13/1943 4c dkcar issue=war effort coil d=King George VI in army uniform perf=8v
3/3/1947 4c dpbl d=Alexander Graham Bell (1947) perf=12
7/1/1947 4c dpbl d=citizen perf=12
2/16/1948 4c dpbl issue=Princess Elizabeth's Wedding d=Princess Elizabeth (1948 Canada) perf=12
7/22/1948 4c dkcar issue=1948 dt=George VI d=King George VI in army uniform perf=9.5v
10/1/1948 4c gray issue=100 Years of Responsible Government d=Queen Victoria, Parliament buildings, King George VI perf=12
official 1949 4c car issue=1949 official a on=issue=peace-4c perf=12
official 1949 4c car issue=1949 official b perf=12
4/1/1949 4c dpgrn d=John Cabot's ship perf=12
6/21/1949 4c pur issue=Halifax founding 200th d=Founding of Halifax 1749 perf=12
11/19/1949 4c dkcar issue=1949 d=King George VI (1949 4c) var=postes postage perf=12
1/19/1950 4c dkcar issue=1950a d=King George VI (1949 4c) perf=12
1/19/1950 4c dkcar issue=1950c d=King George VI (1949 4c) var=postes postage
official 7/3/1950 4c red issue=1950 official perf=12
official 7/3/1950 4c car issue=1950 official perf=12
1951 4c org perf=9.5v
6/25/1951 4c carrose d=Mackenzie King perf=12
8/11/1951 4c org d=King George VI (1949 4c) var=postes postage perf=12
9/24/1951 4c dkgray issue=postal 100th d=trains perf=12
10/26/1951 4c vio issue=Royal Visit 1939 d=Princess Elizabeth & Duke of Edinburgh perf=12
7/26/1952 4c bl&red issue=Red Cross Conference 1952 d=Red Cross emblem perf=12
11/3/1952 4c ver d=Mackenzie perf=12
4/1/1953 4c ind issue=1st wildlife week d=bighorn sheep (1953) perf=12
5/1/1953 4c vio issue=1953 d=Queen Elizabeth II (1953 Canada) perf=12
6/1/1953 4c vio issue=Coronation 1953 d=Queen Elizabeth II (profile in octagon) perf=12
official 8/18/1953 4c issue=1953 official d=issue on=issue=1953-4c
9/3/1953 4c vio issue=1953 coil d=Queen Elizabeth II (1953 Canada) perf=9.5v
1954 4c vio issue=1954 d=Queen Elizabeth II (1954 Canada) perf=12
1954 4c vio issue=1954 coil d=Queen Elizabeth II (1954 Canada) perf=9.5v
4/1/1954 4c gray issue=2nd wildlife week d=walrus (1954) perf=12
11/1/1954 4c vio d=John Sparrow David Thompson perf=12
4/4/1955 4c dkpur issue=3rd wildlife week d=muskox perf=12
11/8/1955 4c vio d=Bennett perf=12
official 1/12/1956 4c vio issue=1956 official perf=12
4/12/1956 4c dkvio issue=4th wildlife week d=caribou (1956) perf=12
10/3/1962 4c red issue=1962 d=Queen Elizabeth II & power pylon perf=12
1963 4c car issue=1963 coil perf=9.5v
official 5/15/1963 4c red issue=1963 official d=Queen Elizabeth II & power pylon on=issue=1962-4c perf=12
5/15/1964 4c red issue=Elizabeth & symbols coil d=electrification perf=9.5h
2/8/1967 4c red issue=1967 coil d=ship in lock in the St Lawrence Seaway & Queen Elizabeth II
2/8/1967 4c red issue=1967 d=ship in lock in the St Lawrence Seaway & & Queen Elizabeth II perf=12
10/17/1973 4c blk issue=1972 d=William Lyon Mackenzie King perf=12x12.5
(plus 5 more) (See all uses as list)