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40c denom (#13598)

  • Colnect-862-012-Polar-Fox-Vulpes-lagopus.jpg
  • Colnect-1061-813-Orange-Chromide-Etroplus-maculatus.jpg
Desc: 40c

Currency: Equatorial Guinean ekuele (100c=1p=1e=1bk=1b)

Numerical sorting value: 2400

Equivalent denoms: 0.40e (14), 0.40p (6)

Users of this denom: Equatorial Guinea (4 stamps, 1974)

Used by 4 stamps of Equatorial Guinea: (See all uses as list)

12/17/1974 40c dt=endangered species (1974)
12/27/1974 40c issue=cats 1974 dt=cats (1974)
12/27/1974 40c dt=fishes (1974 Equatorial Guinea)
12/27/1974 40c dt=Monkeys (1974 Equatorial Guinea)