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1.15col denom (#1379)

  • Colnect-2869-911-Jes-uacute-s-Jim-eacute-nez-Zamora-1823-1897.jpg
  • Colnect-2869-912-Jes%C3%BAs-Jim%C3%A9nez-Zamora-1823-1897.jpg
  • Colnect-5499-010-Farmers--fairs.jpg
Desc: 1.15col

Currency: Costa Rican colón (100c=1col)

Numerical sorting value: 6900

Users of this denom: Costa Rica (3 stamps, 1943-1982)

Used by 3 stamps of Costa Rica: (See all uses as list)

1943 1.15col redbrn issue=1943 dt=Costa Rican presidents d=Jesús Jiménez (1943) perf=12
1945 1.15col grn issue=1943 dt=Costa Rican presidents d=Jesús Jiménez (1943) perf=12
6/16/1982 1.15col issue=Costa Rican Progress d=Farmers fairs perf=10

All are airmail