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$2.50 denom (#14370)

  • Colnect-2523-645-Apollo-10.jpg
  • Colnect-1622-696-Black-Opal.jpg
  • Colnect-2746-937-Golfer-in-the-Trees.jpg
  • Colnect-728-864-Florey.jpg
  • Colnect-2472-987-Horse-riding.jpg
  • Colnect-2784-349-Pacific-Black-Duck-Anas-superciliosa.jpg
  • Colnect-2584-644-Christmas.jpg
  • Colnect-2584-650-Depressed-Cowry-Cypraea-depressa.jpg
  • Colnect-2589-481-Lockheed-Martin-F22.jpg
  • KI025.03.jpg
  • KI010.04.jpg
  • Colnect-3084-532-Runners-on-track.jpg
  • Colnect-3084-533-Athletes-and-dancer.jpg
  • Colnect-2604-289-MS-Prinsendam.jpg
  • NR007.05.jpg
  • Colnect-2604-298--Santisima-Trinidad-.jpg
  • Colnect-2604-297-Admiral-Federico-Gravina.jpg
  • Colnect-2604-296-Vice-Admiral-Sir-Horatio-Nelson.jpg
  • NR008.05.jpg
  • NR006.05.jpg
  • NR021.05.jpg
  • NR044.05.jpg
  • AU023.06.jpg
  • KI002.06.jpg
  • KI022.06.jpg
  • Colnect-5557-955-Sooty-Tern-Onychoprion-fuscatus-in-flight.jpg
  • Colnect-1222-715-Protoceratops.jpg
  • Colnect-6255-813-Grasshopper.jpg
  • Colnect-6255-814-Fish.jpg
  • KI017.08.jpg
  • Colnect-6271-025-Candy-Cane.jpg
  • Colnect-6273-625-Year-of-the-Ox.jpg
  • Colnect-6273-713-Pope-Benedict-XVI.jpg
  • KI023.12.jpg
  • KI007.14.jpg
  • KI008.14.jpg
  • KI004.16.jpg
  • KI011.17.jpg
  • Colnect-6400-698-Major-Fleet---Lieutenant-Boyle.jpg
  • Colnect-6400-699-HD-4-Airplane.jpg
  • Colnect-6400-700-Major-Fleet.jpg
  • Colnect-6400-701-James-Edgerton---Sister.jpg
  • Colnect-6400-720-Cleaner-Shrimp.jpg
  • Colnect-6400-721-Emperor-Shrimp.jpg
  • Colnect-6400-722-Camel-Shrimp.jpg
  • Colnect-6400-723-Orange-Snapping-Shrimp.jpg
  • Colnect-6400-650-Coconut.jpg
  • KI004.18.jpg
Desc: $2.50

Currency: Australian dollar (100c=1$)

Numerical sorting value: 15000

Users of this denom: Australia (3 stamps, 1995-2006), Christmas Island (3 stamps, 1995-2020), Kiribati (25 stamps, 1989-2022), Nauru (6 stamps, 2005-2006), Norfolk Island (4 stamps, 1996-2008), Tuvalu (113 stamps, 1986-2018), Nanumaga (3 stamps, 1986), Nanumea (1 stamp, 1986), Vaitupu (2 stamps, 1986)

Used by 160 stamps: (See all uses as list)

Nanumaga 1/3/1986 $2.50 issue=85th Birthday of Queen Elizabeth
Nanumaga 1/3/1986 $2.50 issue=85th Birthday of Queen Elizabeth
Vaitupu 1/8/1986 $2.50 issue=85th Birthday of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother
Vaitupu 1/8/1986 $2.50 issue=85th Birthday of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother
Nanumaga 4/21/1986 $2.50 issue=60th Birthday of Queen Elizabeth II
Nanumea 6/30/1986 $2.50 issue=World Cup 1986
Tuvalu 6/30/1986 $2.50 issue=World Cup 1986
Tuvalu 11/24/1986 $2.50 issue=100th Anniversary of the Statue of Liberty
Tuvalu 12/2/1987 $2.50 issue=World Scout Jamboree 1987 d=Lord and Lady Baden Powell perf=12.5
Tuvalu 6/15/1988 $2.50 issue=Voyages of Captain Cook d=H.M.S. "Resolution" perf=12.5
Kiribati 7/20/1989 $2.50 issue=moon landing 20th d=Apollo 10
Australia 4/5/1995 $2.50 dt=opals (1995) d=Black Opal perf=14.5x14
Christmas Island 5/11/1995 $2.50 issue=40th Anniversary of the Christmas Island Golf Course
Australia 9/7/1995 $2.50 issue=Medical Scientists d=Florey
Norfolk Island 9/17/1996 $2.50 issue=Tourism 1996 d=Horse riding
Norfolk Island 4/27/1999 $2.50 issue=IBRA '99 perf=14.25
Kiribati 12/2/2002 $2.50 issue=Christmas 2002 dt=ribbon & bow on basketry weave
Kiribati 5/14/2003 $2.50 dt=Cowrie shells of Kiribati d=Cypraea depressa
Kiribati 8/28/2003 $2.50 issue=100th Anniversary of Powered Flight d=Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor (2003) wmk=crown & CA spiral
Kiribati 12/20/2003 $2.50 issue=Christmas 2003 dt=churches of Christmas Island d=Church of Christ
Kiribati 4/29/2004 $2.50 issue=Birdlife International Part 1 dt=birds (2004 Kiribati) d=Ruddy Turnstone Arenaria interpres (2004) wmk=crown & CA spiral
Kiribati 7/12/2004 $2.50 issue=25th Anniversary of Independence - Celebration Games d=Runners on track perf=14
Kiribati 7/12/2004 $2.50 issue=25th Anniversary of Independence - Celebration Games d=Athletes & dancer perf=14
Kiribati 10/25/2004 $2.50 dt=merchant ships (2004) d=MS Prinsendam (2004)
Kiribati 3/29/2005 $2.50 issue=200th Anniversary of the Battle of Trafalgar d=Santisima Trinidad (2005 Kiribati)
Kiribati 3/29/2005 $2.50 issue=200th Anniversary of the Battle of Trafalgar d=Admiral Federico Gravina
Kiribati 3/29/2005 $2.50 issue=200th Anniversary of the Battle of Trafalgar d=Vice-Admiral Sir Horatio Nelson
Nauru 3/29/2005 $2.50 issue=Battle of Trafalgar Part 1 d=Vice Admiral Sir Horatio Nelson
Nauru 3/29/2005 $2.50 issue=Battle of Trafalgar Part 1 d=Admiral Villeneuve
Nauru 3/29/2005 $2.50 issue=Battle of Trafalgar Part 1 d=Sailing Ship Formidable
Nauru 9/12/2005 $2.50 issue=Centenary of Rotary International
Nauru 10/10/2005 $2.50 issue=Hans Christian Andersen 200th
Australia 3/6/2006 $2.50 dt=Australian Native wildlife d=greater bilby (2006) perf=14x14.5
Kiribati 5/4/2006 $2.50 issue=Anniversary of the first Europa stamp 1956-2006 d=flag of European Union & flag of Kiribati perf=13
Kiribati 6/17/2006 $2.50 issue=80th Birthday of Queen Elizabeth II
Norfolk Island 8/9/2006 $2.50 dt=Sea Birds (2006) d=sooty tern Sterna fuscata in flight
Nauru 8/14/2006 $2.50 dt=dinosaurs (2006 Nauru) d=Protoceratops (2006)
Tuvalu 9/21/2007 $2.50 issue=50th Anniversary of the Death of Qi Baishi perf=13.25
Tuvalu 9/21/2007 $2.50 issue=50th Anniversary of the Death of Qi Baishi perf=13.25
Kiribati 4/1/2008 $2.50 issue=RAF 90th d=Dambusters Raid
Norfolk Island 10/27/2008 $2.50 issue=Isles of Exile perf=14.5
Tuvalu 11/25/2008 $2.50 issue=Christmas 2008 perf=14.25x15
Tuvalu 1/26/2009 $2.50 issue=Year of the Ox 2009 perf=11.5
Tuvalu 4/23/2009 $2.50 issue=Pope Benedict XVI Visits Israel perf=11.5
Tuvalu 10/28/2009 $2.50 issue=Butterflies 2009 d=Protographium leosthenes perf=11.5
Kiribati 9/12/2012 $2.50 issue=Phoenix Island Protected Area d=small giant clam Tridacna maxima
Kiribati 9/8/2014 $2.50 issue=20th Commonwealth Games perf=14
Kiribati 9/8/2014 $2.50 issue=20th Commonwealth Games perf=14
Kiribati 4/21/2016 $2.50 issue=90th Birthday of Queen Elizabeth II
Tuvalu 4/29/2016 $2.50 issue=World Stamp Show NY 2016 perf=14
(plus 110 more) (See all uses as list)