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200ce denom (#15641)

  • Colnect-2170-898-Acraea-Blue-Epitola-honorius.jpg
  • Colnect-2364-796-Tankerville--s-Ancilla-Ancilla-tankervillei.jpg
  • Colnect-2364-802-Childrens-Celebration.jpg
  • Colnect-2364-810-Heaths-Engraving.jpg
  • Colnect-2366-318-Mining.jpg
  • Colnect-2366-324-South-Atlantic.jpg
  • Colnect-2366-329-Telephone-Booths.jpg
  • Colnect-2368-256-Diaphananthe-Kamerunensis.jpg
  • Colnect-2368-264-Coprinus-Micaceus.jpg
  • Colnect-2368-272-Head-of-a-Warrior.jpg
Desc: 200ce

Currency: Ghanaian cedi (100p=100gp=1ce=1c=1ghc)

Numerical sorting value: 1200000

Equivalent denoms: 200.00c (12), 200c (155)

Users of this denom: Ghana (11 stamps, 1990)

Used by 11 stamps of Ghana: (See all uses as list)

1990 200ce issue=1990 provisional b
2/15/1990 200ce dt=butterflies (1990 Ghana) d=Aethiopana honorius perf=14.25
2/20/1990 200ce dt=seashells (1990 Ghana) d=Ancilla tankervillei (1990)
3/27/1990 200ce issue=Nehru d=Childrens Celebration
5/3/1990 200ce issue=Penny Black 150th d=Heaths Engraving perf=13.75
6/5/1990 200ce issue=revolution 10th d=mining
7/12/1990 200ce issue=Intelsat 25th d=South Atlantic
7/16/1990 200ce issue=direct dial introduction d=Telephone Booths
12/17/1990 200ce dt=orchids (1990 Ghana) d=Diaphananthe kamerunensis perf=14.25
12/18/1990 200ce dt=mushrooms (1990 Ghana) d=Coprinus micaceus (1990 Ghana) perf=14.25
12/24/1990 200ce issue=Rubens death 350th dt=paintings by Rubens (1990 Ghana) d="Head of Warrior" - detail, Peter Paul R… perf=13.75