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34000l denom (#15901)

  • Colnect-756-968-Leaf-Beetle-Entomoscelis-adonidis---Surcharged.jpg
  • RO019.02.jpg
  • Colnect-5177-609-Dalmatia-by-Nicolae-D%C4%83r%C4%83scu.jpg
  • Colnect-5396-661-Football-Rule-Book-and-Pitch-Diagram.jpg
Desc: 34000l

Currency: Romanian leu (100b=1l)

Numerical sorting value: 204000000

Users of this denom: Romania (4 stamps, 2000-2003)

Used by 4 stamps of Romania: (See all uses as list)

5/31/2000 34000l d=++on=370l-Entomoscelis adonidis perf=13.25
2002 34000l issue=Bicentenary of birth of Victor Hugo dt=famous men (2002) d=Victor Hugo (2002)
1/22/2003 34000l dt=reproductions of art d='Dalmatia' by Nicolae Darascu
12/22/2003 34000l issue=FIFA 100th a