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8p denom (#16286)

  • Colnect-1494-197-Don-Quixote-and-Sancho-Pansa.jpg
  • Colnect-2299-458-Congress-of-ICCA-Montevideo-left-part.jpg
  • Colnect-2299-459-ICCA-emblem-right-part.jpg
  • UY035.08.jpg
  • UY036.09.jpg
Desc: 8p

Currency: Uruguayan peso (1000m=100c=1p=1np=1n$=1$)

Numerical sorting value: 480000

Equivalent denoms: 8np (3)

Users of this denom: Uruguay (6 stamps, 1967-2009)

Used by 6 stamps of Uruguay: (See all uses as list)

airmail 7/10/1967 8p olbrn&dkbrn issue=420th Anniversary of the Birth of Miguel de Cervantes d=Don Quixote & Sancho Pansa wmk=large sun & ROU
6/11/1996 8p wmk=large sun & ROU
11/4/2005 8p issue=World Congress of the International Association Travel and Congress Organizers, Montevideo
11/4/2005 8p issue=World Congress of the International Association Travel and Congress Organizers, Montevideo
12/7/2008 8p d=pastry chefs
11/27/2009 8p issue=2007 d=greengrocer