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$1.75 denom (#18357) (Kiribati usage only)

  • KI023.08.jpg
  • KI017.09.jpg
Desc: $1.75

Currency: Australian dollar (100c=1$)

Numerical sorting value: 10500

Users of this denom: Australia (1 stamp, 2013), Kiribati (2 stamps, 2008-2009), Norfolk Island (3 stamps, 2008-2014), Tuvalu (24 stamps, 2003-2015), Funafuti (1 stamp, 1987), Nanumaga (2 stamps, 1986-1987), Nanumea (1 stamp, 1986), Nui (2 stamps, 1986-1987), Nukufetau (2 stamps, 1986), Nukulaelae (1 stamp, 1987) Show with all usages

Used by 2 stamps of Kiribati: (See all uses as list)

7/12/2008 $1.75 issue=Phoenix Island Protected Area d=Blacktip Reef Shark (2008)
3/9/2009 $1.75 issue=Seafaring and Exploration d=John Cabot

All are perf=14