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$5.00 denom (#18593) (Norfolk Island usage only)

  • Colnect-1745-056-Oxalis-corniculata.jpg
  • Colnect-837-488-White-necked-Petrel-Pterodroma-cervicalis-.jpg
  • Colnect-6482-091-Queen-Victoria.jpg
Desc: $5.00

Currency: Australian dollar (100c=1$)

Numerical sorting value: 30000

Equivalent denoms: $5 (7)

Users of this denom: Australia (2 stamps, 2000-2015), Kiribati (5 stamps, 2005-2020), Norfolk Island (7 stamps, 2002-2016), Tuvalu (3 stamps, 2004-2014) Show with all usages

Used by 7 stamps of Norfolk Island: (See all uses as list)

5/21/2002 $5.00 dt=flowers of Phillip Island d=Oxalis corniculata perf=14.75x14.5
12/14/2004 $5.00 issue=25th Anniversary of Internal Self-government perf=14
8/9/2005 $5.00 dt=seabirds of Norfolk Island d=white-necked petrel
7/31/2007 $5.00 issue=Queen Victoria Scholarship d=Queen Victoria imperf
4/24/2009 $5.00 dt=cattle Breeds of Norfolk Islands perf=14
4/9/2013 $5.00 issue=Norfolk Island Church Bell
6/7/2016 $5.00 issue=160th Anniversary of the Landing of the Pitcairners on Norfolk Island