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$2.00 denom (#18602) (Cook Islands usage only)

  • Colnect-1829-394-Portrait.jpg
  • Colnect-1595-672-Napoleonic-Officers.jpg
Desc: $2.00

Currency: New Zealand dollar (100c=100s=1$)

Numerical sorting value: 12000

Equivalent denoms: $2 (47)

Users of this denom: Aitutaki (10 stamps, 1994-2018), Cook Islands (7 stamps, 1984-2019), New Zealand (118 stamps, 2001-2018), Ross Dependency (11 stamps, 1994-2017), Niue (22 stamps, 1991-2020), Penrhyn (4 stamps, 2011), Pitcairn Islands (27 stamps, 2005-2018), Tokelau (26 stamps, 1995-2019) Show with all usages

Used by 7 stamps of Cook Islands: (See all uses as list)

9/20/1984 $2.00 issue=Ausipex '84
3/13/1986 $2.00 issue=Halley's Comet d="Ossian receiving Napoleonic Officers"
5/27/2016 $2.00 issue=Pacific Marine Life - Marae Moana
12/20/2018 $2.00 issue=Birds of Prey 2018 - White Frame d=Japanese sparrowhawk Accipiter gularis
12/20/2018 $2.00 issue=Birds of Prey 2018 - Without Frame d=Japanese sparrowhawk Accipiter gularis
12/20/2018 $2.00 issue=Birds of Prey 2018 - White Frame on 1 or 2 Sides d=Japanese sparrowhawk Accipiter gularis
6/19/2019 $2.00 issue=50th Anniversary of Apollo 11