Prev: 0,50L (Albanian lek)
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0.5L denom (#21161)

  • Colnect-5041-483-%E2%80%ADYuri-Gagarin-and-Vostok-1.jpg
  • Colnect-3909-425-%E2%80%ADYuri-Gagarin-and-Vostok-1-overprinted-in-violet.jpg
  • Colnect-2302-668-Chamomile-Matricaria-chamomilla.jpg
  • Colnect-2431-379-Woman-high-diver.jpg
  • Colnect-2353-241-Woman-high-diver.jpg
  • Colnect-5150-644-Globe-Sputnik-1-in-orbit.jpg
  • Colnect-2302-678-Map-of-Europe-with-Albania.jpg
  • Colnect-5815-592-Map-of-Europe-with-Albania.jpg
  • Colnect-1381-867-Woman-from-Dardh%C3%AB.jpg
  • Colnect-5041-492-Chamois-Rupicapra-rupicapra.jpg
  • Colnect-5815-605-Chamois-Rupicapra-rupicapra.jpg
  • Colnect-1015-783-Pine-Chafer-Polyphilla-fullo.jpg
  • Colnect-1386-395-Bobsleighing.jpg
  • Colnect-2317-550-Atlantic-Sturgeon-Acipenser-sturio.jpg
  • Colnect-1473-801-Eurasian-Wren-Troglodytes-troglodytes.jpg
  • Colnect-1408-250-Cargo-Ship-Vlora.jpg
  • Colnect-5562-918-Brown-Bear-Ursus-arctos.jpg
  • Colnect-2732-596-Players-with-ball.jpg
  • Colnect-1408-281-Mediterranean-Red-Sea-Star-Echinaster-sepositus.jpg
  • Colnect-5637-312-Lenin-and-Stalin-addressing-meeting.jpg
  • Colnect-1976-271-Helmeted-Guineafowl-Numida-meleagris.jpg
  • Colnect-1411-401-Carnation-Dianthus-caryophyllus.jpg
  • Colnect-3648-164-Women-s-hurdles.jpg
Desc: 0.5L

Currency: Albanian lek (100q=1l)

Numerical sorting value: 3000

Equivalent denoms: 0,50L (4), 0.50l (5), 50q (40)

Users of this denom: Albania (24 stamps, 1962-1968)

Used by 24 stamps of Albania: (See all uses as list)

2/15/1962 0.5L bl issue=1st manned space flight d=Yuri Gagarin (1962) perf=14
airmail 3/20/1962 0.5L ultra&yel issue=airmail overprint d=Yuri Gagarin (1962)
5/10/1962 0.5L issue=Medicinal Plants 1962 imperf dt=medicinal plants (1962) d=Camomile imperf
5/31/1962 0.5L grnbl issue=Olympics 1964 in 1962 d=High Diving perf=14
5/31/1962 0.5L grnbl issue=Olympics 1964 in 1962 imperf d=High Diving imperf
6/28/1962 0.5L issue=Russian space exploration d=globe & Orbits imperf
8/28/1962 0.5L issue=tourism 1962 d=map of Europe with Albania perf=14
8/28/1962 0.5L issue=tourism 1962 imperf d=map of Europe with Albania imperf
9/1962 0.5L crimlake&turqbl dt=Albanian costumes d=Dardhe perf=14
9/1962 0.5L dt=Albanian costumes d=Dardhe
10/24/1962 0.5L dkgrngray&dkvio dt=animals (1962 Albania) d=chamois (1962) perf=14
11/24/1962 0.5L brnol&dkolbrn dt=animals (1962 Albania) d=chamois (1962) imperf
3/20/1963 0.5L brn&ol issue=beetles 1963 dt=beetles (1963 Albania) d=Polyphilla fullo perf=14
12/23/1963 0.5L blk&blgrn issue=Winter Olympics 1964 d=Bobsledder imperf
2/26/1964 0.5L dt=fishes (1964 Albania) d=Atlantic Sturgeon Acipenser sturio perf=14
7/31/1964 0.5L dt=birds (1964 Albania) d=Troglodytes troglodytes perf=12.5
11/16/1965 0.5L dt=water vessels (1965) d=Cargo Ship Vlora perf=12.25
12/7/1965 0.5L dt=brown bears (1965)
12/15/1965 0.5L issue=Balkan Championships in Basketball 1965 d=Game Scenes perf=12.25
5/10/1966 0.5L dt=echinoderms d=Echinaster sepositus (1966) perf=12.25x12.5
11/7/1967 0.5L issue=50th Anniversary of the October Revolution d=Lenin as teachers among the people perf=12
11/25/1967 0.5L dt=Domestic Poultry d=Helmeted Guineafowl Numida meleagris perf=12x12.5
2/15/1968 0.5L dt=carnations d=carnation - Dianthus caryophyllus perf=12
9/23/1968 0.5L issue=Olympics 1968 d=hurdles (1968) imperf