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$1.60 denom (#25421) (Barbuda usage only)

(No images available)
Desc: $1.60

Currency: East Caribbean dollar (100c=1ec$=1$)

Numerical sorting value: 9600

Users of this denom: Anguilla (4 stamps, 1988-1992), Antigua (3 stamps, 1996-1997), Barbuda (2 stamps, 1997-1998), Montserrat (2 stamps, 1985), Nevis (164 stamps, 1993-2015), St. Kitts (106 stamps, 1993-2013), St. Vincent (25 stamps, 1985-2020) Show with all usages

Used by 2 stamps of Barbuda: (See all uses as list)

1/28/1997 $1.60 issue=Christmas 1997 d="Adoration of the Child" - Fra Filippo Lippi
11/23/1998 $1.60 issue=Butterflies 1998 d=Charaxes hadrianus

All are wmk=St Edwards crown & CA