Prev: 150w (North Korean won)
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152w denom (#26463)

  • Colnect-3266-379-Stuffed-Sea-Turtle.jpg
  • Colnect-3266-383-Dendrobium-sp.jpg
  • Colnect-3728-214-Table-tennis.jpg
  • Colnect-2078-995-Pterodactylus.jpg
Desc: 152w

Currency: North Korean won (100ch=1w)

Numerical sorting value: 912000

Users of this denom: North Korea (4 stamps, 2010)

Used by 4 stamps of North Korea: (See all uses as list)

4/15/2010 152w issue=98th Anniversary of the Birth of Kim Il Sung d=Stuffed sea turtle perf=13.25
4/20/2010 152w dt=orchids (2010 North Korea) d=Dendrobium sp perf=11.5
5/10/2010 152w dt=Table Tennis perf=13
6/16/2010 152w dt=dinosaurs (2010 North Korea) d=Pterodactylus (2010) perf=12.5