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2.50m denom (#290)

  • Colnect-1283-888-vote-in-East-Prussia.jpg
  • Colnect-1283-902-vote-in-East-Prussia.jpg
  • DR_1920_115_Genius%2C_Vereinigung_von_Nord-_und_S%25C3%25BCddeutschland.jpg
  • Colnect-3783-666-North-and-South-roman-inscription.jpg
  • Colnect-1305-919-City-vue.jpg
  • Colnect-1283-939-vote-in-West-Prussia.jpg
  • Colnect-851-352-Be-united-Genius-overprint-Memel-Area.jpg
Desc: 2.50m

Currency: German mark (100pf=1dm=1mk=1m)

Numerical sorting value: 500

Equivalent denoms: 2 1/2m (7), 250pf (2)

Users of this denom: Allenstein (2 stamps, 1920), Bavaria (1 stamp, 1919), Württemberg (1 stamp, 1920), Germany (2 stamps, 1920), Marienwerder (1 stamp, 1920), Memel (1 stamp, 1920)

Used by 8 stamps: (See all uses as list)

Bavaria 12/17/1919 2.50m slbl ovpt=Freistaat//Bayern(roman) oc=blk on=1m-slbl-unissued
Allenstein 1920 2.50m lilrose issue=1920a d=union of North and South (1920) ovpt=PLEBISCITE//OLSZTYN//ALLENSTEIN oc=blk on=issuer=Germany-2.50m wmk=lozenges
Allenstein 1920 2.50m lilrose issue=1920b d=union of North and South (1920) ovpt=oval oc=blk on=issuer=Germany-2.50m wmk=lozenges
Germany 3/1920 2.50m lilrose issue=1920a d=union of North and South (1920) wmk=lozenges
Germany 3/1920 2.50m lilrose issue=1920ab oc=blk on=2m-lilrose-unissued
Württemberg official state 3/25/1920 2.50m bl issue=views d=Stuttgart wmk=small circles perf=14.5
Marienwerder 7/1920 2.50m lilrose issue=1920c d=union of North and South (1920) ovpt=Commission//Interalliee//Marienwerder oc=blk on=issuer=Germany-issue=1920a-2.50m wmk=lozenges
Memel 8/1/1920 2.50m lilrose issue=German overprinted d=union of North and South (1920) ovpt=Memelgebiet oc=blk on=issuer=Germany-1920-2.50m-lilrose wmk=lozenges