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5+2.50l denom (#30446)

  • Colnect-166-583-Closing-of-the-Holy-Door.jpg
  • Colnect-166-754-Porta-del-Popolo.jpg
  • Colnect-4928-811-Overprinted-Italian-stamps.jpg
  • Colnect-167-448-Save.jpg
  • Colnect-188-146-Stadium-of-Florence-and-airplane.jpg
  • Colnect-1648-712-Triennial-of-Italy-s-overseas-possessions.jpg
Desc: 5+2.50l

Currency: Italian lira (100c=1l)

Numerical sorting value: 30000
Second numerical value: 15000

Equivalent denoms: 5l+2.50l (11)

Users of this denom: Cyrenaica (1 stamp, 1927), Italy (4 stamps, 1924-1934), Aegean Islands (1 stamp, 1940), Tripolitania (1 stamp, 1927)

Used by 7 stamps: (See all uses as list)

Italy semipostal 12/24/1924 5+2.50l issue=Holy Year of Redemption d=Closing of the Holy Door perf=12
Italy semipostal 10/26/1926 5+2.50l issue=1926 semi d=Bring the people perf=11
Tripolitania semipostal 1927 5+2.50l blgrn&gray issue=1927 semi
Cyrenaica semipostal 4/21/1927 5+2.50l blgrn&gray issue=1927 semi perf=11
Italy 5/23/1934 5+2.50l sep issue=2nd World Soccer Championship d=Save wmk=crown (Italy) perf=14
Italy airmail 5/23/1934 5+2.50l ol issue=2nd World Soccer Championship wmk=crown (Italy) perf=14
Aegean Islands airmail 6/3/1940 5+2.50l ltbrn issue=Triennial Overseas Exposition air