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340fr denom (#30791)

  • Colnect-2069-948-Ceramic-Mask-fromTeotihuacan-Soccer-Play-Trophy.jpg
  • Colnect-1984-726-Car-Eiffel-tower-Huts.jpg
Desc: 340fr

Currency: West African CFA franc (100c=1fr=1fcfa=1f)

Numerical sorting value: 2040000

Users of this denom: Senegal (3 stamps, 1986-1987)

Used by 3 stamps of Senegal: (See all uses as list)

11/17/1986 340fr issue=World Cup 1986 perf=12.25
11/17/1986 340fr issue=World Cup 1986 - Winners Argentina perf=12.25
1/22/1987 340fr issue=Paris-Dakar Rally 1987 d=Car Eiffel tower Huts perf=14