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55c denom (#32438)

  • Ramkie.jpg
  • Colnect-873-722-Port-of-Oos.jpg
  • Colnect-800-935-Aardwolf-Proteles-cristatus.jpg
Desc: 55c

Currency: South African rand (100c=1r)

Numerical sorting value: 3300

Users of this denom: South Africa (3 stamps, 1992-1993)

Used by 3 stamps of South Africa: (See all uses as list)

6/24/1992 55c issue=Sports 1992
1/28/1993 55c dt=South African Harbors
9/3/1993 55c issue=1993 dt=Endangered Fauna (1993) d=Proteles cristatus (1993)