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$9.50 denom (#33923) (Bequia usage only)

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Desc: $9.50

Currency: East Caribbean dollar (100c=1ec$=1$)

Numerical sorting value: 57000

Users of this denom: Antigua (10 stamps, 2014-2015), Nevis (4 stamps, 2014), St. Vincent (6 stamps, 2013-2014), Bequia (5 stamps, 2013-2014), Canouan (2 stamps, 2012-2013) Show with all usages

Used by 5 stamps of Bequia: (See all uses as list)

2/28/2013 $9.50 issue=60th Anniversary (2012) of the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II
2/26/2014 $9.50 issue=Dogs 2014
2/26/2014 $9.50 issue=Dogs 2014
2/26/2014 $9.50 issue=Dogs 2014
2/26/2014 $9.50 issue=Dogs 2014