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18c denom (#36669)

  • Colnect-2349-265-Public-koran-reading.jpg
  • Colnect-2349-274-General-Assembly.jpg
  • Colnect-2349-282-Bauxite-Mining.jpg
Desc: 18c

Currency: Ghanaian cedi (100p=100gp=1ce=1c=1ghc)

Numerical sorting value: 108000

Users of this denom: Ghana (3 stamps, 1985)

Used by 3 stamps of Ghana: (See all uses as list)

8/1/1985 18c issue=Islamic Festival 1985 d=Public koran reading perf=14.25
10/24/1985 18c issue=United Nations 40th d=general assembly perf=14.5x14
11/4/1985 18c issue=Unctad d=bauxite mining perf=14.25