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75g denom (#4411)

  • Colnect-440-873-King-John-III-Sobieski-1629-1696.jpg
  • Colnect-4013-033-DabrowskiKosciuszkoPoniatowski.jpg
  • Colnect-4145-638-Boleslaw-Bierut-1892-1956-President.jpg
  • Colnect-5122-606-Industrial--and-Agricultural-Workers.jpg
  • Colnect-4159-436-Workers-with-flag.jpg
  • Colnect-459-783-Avicenna.jpg
  • Colnect-4176-295-Congress-emblem.jpg
  • Colnect-4255-894-Palace-of-Culture-and-Science-in-Warsaw.jpg
  • Colnect-4255-819-Palace-of-Culture-and-Science-in-Warsaw.jpg
  • Colnect-2665-769-Golden-Eagle-Aquila-chrysaetos.jpg
  • Colnect-3595-887-Brig--Fryderyk-Chopin--1992.jpg
Desc: 75g

Currency: Polish złoty (100gr=100g=1zl=1zt=1z)

Numerical sorting value: 4500

Users of this denom: Poland (11 stamps, 1930-1996), Polish government in exile (2 stamps, 1941-1943)

Used by 13 stamps: (See all uses as list)

Poland 7/1930 75g cl d=King John III Sobieski perf=9-14.5
Poland 11/11/1938 75g dlgrn issue=independence 20th d=DabrowskiKosciuszkoPoniatowski perf=9-14.5
Polish government in exile 12/15/1941 75g issue=1941 d=machine gunners
Polish government in exile 11/1/1943 75g issue=1943
Poland 12/16/1950 75g brn issue=1950b d=Bierut no frame perf=9-14.5
Poland 4/15/1951 75g grayvio d=workers 1950 perf=9-14.5
Poland 5/1/1952 75g dpgrn issue=Labor Day 1952 d=Workers with flag perf=9-14.5
Poland 9/1/1952 75g redbrn issue=Avicenna 1000th d=Avicenna perf=9-14.5
Poland airmail 8/24/1953 75g red issue=3rd World Congress of Students d=congress emblem imperf
Poland 7/21/1955 75g blgrn issue=National Day 1955 d=Palace of Culture & Science in Warsaw perf=9-14.5
Poland 7/21/1955 75g brn issue=National Day 1955 d=Palace of Culture & Science in Warsaw perf=9-14.5
Poland 11/20/1960 75g dt=birds (1960 Poland) d=Aquila chrysaetos (1960 Poland) perf=9-14.5
Poland 3/11/1996 75g dt=Polish Sailing Ships d=Brig Fryderyk Chopin 1992 perf=Syncopated 11x11.5