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$1.10 denom (#6028) (Anguilla usage only)

  • Colnect-1750-263-Coco-plum.jpg
Desc: $1.10

Currency: East Caribbean dollar (100c=1ec$=1$)

Numerical sorting value: 6600

Users of this denom: Anguilla (1 stamp, 1997), Antigua (28 stamps, 1984-1997), Barbuda (19 stamps, 1984-1998), Dominica (1 stamp, 2009), Montserrat (22 stamps, 1976-2013), Nevis (2 stamps, 1983-1984), St. Kitts (6 stamps, 1982-2007), St. Lucia (10 stamps, 1985-2004), St. Vincent (310 stamps, 1996-2007), Bequia (9 stamps, 2002-2006), Union Island (8 stamps, 2002) Show with all usages

Used by 1 stamp of Anguilla: (See all uses as list)

4/30/1997 $1.10 issue=1997 d=Chrysobalanus icaco (1997)

All are dt=Native fruits (1997)