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2m denom (#672)

  • DR_1875_37_Innendienst.jpg
  • Colnect-1302-657-Numeral-in-circle.jpg
  • Colnect-1308-894-Bayern-coat-of-arms-Wm2.jpg
  • Colnect-1302-659-Numeral-in-circle.jpg
  • Colnect-4409-929-Numeral-in-circle.jpg
  • D-Kamerun_1900_17.jpg
  • Germania64_Type_I.jpg
  • Colnect-892-577-Imperial-yacht--quot-Hohenzollern-quot-.jpg
  • Colnect-6040-672-SMS-Hohenzollern.jpg
  • Colnect-1275-350-SMS-Hohenzollern.jpg
  • Colnect-6203-164-overprint-on--Germania-.jpg
  • STS-Marianas-1-300dpi.jpeg-crop-478x331at1757-2386.jpg
  • Colnect-1308-915-Bayern-coat-of-arms-Wm3.jpg
  • Colnect-1496-008-SMS-Hohenzollern.jpg
  • Colnect-5992-745-Imperial-Yacht--SMS-Hohenzollern-.jpg
  • Germania79gotisch.jpg
  • Germania82A.jpg
  • DR_1916_95BII_Genius%2C_Vereinigung_von_Nord-_und_S%25C3%25BCddeutschland.jpg
  • Colnect-1308-948-90th-birthday-of-Prince-regent-Luitpold.jpg
  • Colnect-1308-923-Bayern-coat-of-arms-Wm4.jpg
  • Colnect-1308-966-King-Ludwig-III.jpg
  • Colnect-1852-132-King-Ludwig-III.jpg
  • Colnect-2210-519-Volksstaat-on-Ludwig-III.jpg
  • Colnect-4201-998-Volksstaat-on-Ludwig-III.jpg
  • Colnect-2210-501-Freistaat-on--quot-Germania-quot-.jpg
  • Colnect-1852-144-Freistaat-on-Ludwig-III.jpg
  • Colnect-4201-993-Freistaat-on-Ludwig-III.jpg
  • DR-D_1920_32_Dienstmarke.jpg
  • Colnect-2042-005-Coat-of-Arms---Slesvig.jpg
  • Colnect-4047-656-Mail-auml-nder-I.jpg
  • Colnect-1284-993-Peace-dove.jpg
  • Marienwerder2mark1918.jpg
  • Colnect-5651-800-CIS-on-Coat-of-Arms.jpg
  • Colnect-851-363-Type-Merson.jpg
  • Colnect-1283-951-Mail-auml-nder-II.jpg
  • Colnect-851-351-Be-united-Genius-overprint-Memel-Area.jpg
  • Colnect-3780-378-Germania-with-the-imperial-crown-hatched-background.jpg
  • Colnect-4497-650-District-postage.jpg
  • Deutsches_Reich_-_Farbe_2.jpg
  • Colnect-851-435-Type-Merson.jpg
  • DR_1922_216_Flugpost_Holztaube.jpg
  • Colnect-851-405-Type-Merson.jpg
  • DR-D_1922_70_Dienstmarke.jpg
  • Colnect-851-396-Type-Merson.jpg
  • Colnect-417-801-Posthorn.jpg
  • Colnect-1285-028-CGHS-on-Dienstmarke-Wm-II.jpg
  • DR_1922_200_Deutsche_Gewerbeschau_M%25C3%25BCnchen.jpg
  • DR_1922_224_Posthorn.jpg
  • Colnect-851-443-Type-Merson.jpg
  • Colnect-851-454-Type-Merson.jpg
  • DR_1924_365_Bauwerke_K%25C3%25B6lner_Dom.jpg
  • DR_1926_383_Flugpost_Adler.jpg
  • DR_1928_423_Zeppelin.jpg
  • DR_1930_438_Zeppelin_S%25C3%25BCdamerikafahrt.jpg
  • DR_1930_440_Bauwerke_K%25C3%25B6lner_Dom.jpg
  • Colnect-418-000-Polar-flight-of-the-airship--Graf-Zeppelin-LZ-127-.jpg
  • Colnect-418-035-Air-%E2%80%9CGraf-Zeppelin%E2%80%9D-Chicago-World-Exhibition-Flight.jpg
  • DR_1934_538_Luftpost_Otto_Lilienthal.jpg
  • DR_1941_800_Adolf_Hitler.jpg
  • Colnect-2994-810-Overprint-German-stamp-Hitler.jpg
  • Colnect-136-057-Coat-of-arms.jpg
  • Colnect-138-069-Coat-of-arms---digit.jpg
  • SBZ_Th%25C3%25BCringen_1945_Bl_1_F%25C3%25BCr_die_Opfer_des_Faschismus.jpg
  • Fr._Zone_1945_12_Friedrich_Schiller.jpg
  • Alliierte_Besetzung_1947_960_H%25C3%25A4nde%2C_Kette_und_Friedenstaube.jpg
  • Bi_Zone_1948_98Iwg_Bauten_L%25C3%25BCbecker_Holstentor.jpg
  • DBPB_1948_18_Freimarke_Schwarzaufdruck.jpg
  • DBPB_1949_34_Freimarke_Rotaufdruck.jpg
  • DBPB_1949_58_Berliner_Bauten.jpg
  • DBPB_1949_41_Heinrich_von_Stephan.jpg
  • DBPB_1961_213_Gerhart_Hauptmann.jpg
  • DBPB_1966_285_Bauwerke_B%25C3%25BCrgerhalle%2C_L%25C3%25B6wenberg.jpg
  • Stamps_of_Germany_%28Berlin%29_1971%2C_MiNr_370.jpg
Desc: 2m

Currency: German mark (100pf=1dm=1mk=1m)

Numerical sorting value: 400

Equivalent denoms: 200pf (3)

Users of this denom: Austria (4 stamps, 1945), Cameroun (1 stamp, 1900), Caroline Islands (1 stamp, 1901), Bavaria (12 stamps, 1876-1920), Württemberg (5 stamps, 1875-1921), Germany (24 stamps, 1875-1948), French occupation of Germany (1 stamp, 1946), Berlin (7 stamps, 1948-1971), Thuringia (1 stamp, 1945), German offices in China (1 stamp, 1901), Kiauchau (1 stamp, 1900), Mariana Islands (1 stamp, 1901), Marienwerder (3 stamps, 1920), Marshall Islands (1 stamp, 1901), Memel (7 stamps, 1920-1922), Samoa (1 stamp, 1900), Schleswig (2 stamps, 1920), Togo (1 stamp, 1900), British occupation of Togo (2 stamps, 1914), Upper Silesia (4 stamps, 1920-1922)

Used by 80 stamps: (See all uses as list)

Germany 1/1/1875 2m roselil issue=1875 d=oval
Württemberg 7/1/1875 2m yel issue=1875 d=numeral in circle (1875) perf=11.5x11
Bavaria 1/1/1876 2m org issue=1876 d=arms of Bavaria (1874) wmk=horiz wavy lines far perf=11.5
Württemberg 1879 2m ver issue=1875 d=numeral in circle (1875) perf=11.5x11
Württemberg 11/1/1881 2m yel&blk issue=1875 d=numeral in circle (1875) perf=11.5x11
Württemberg 1883 2m yelorg&blk issue=1875 d=numeral in circle (1875) perf=11.5x11
Cameroun 1900 2m bl issue=yacht d=yacht (high value)
Germany 1/1/1900 2m graybl issue=1900 d=union of North and South (Reichspost)
Togo 11/1900 2m issue=yacht d=yacht (high value)
Samoa 12/1900 2m bl issue=yacht d=yacht (high value) perf=11
Kiauchau 12/17/1900 2m bl issue=yacht d=yacht (high value)
Marshall Islands 1901 2m bl issue=yacht d=yacht (high value)
Bavaria 1901 2m org issue=1881 d=arms of Bavaria (large letters) wmk=vert wavy lines close perf=11.5
German offices in China 1901 2m graybl d=union of North and South (Reichspost) ovpt=China(roman) oc=blk on=issuer=Germany-1900-graybl
Mariana Islands 1/1901 2m bl issue=yacht d=yacht (high value)
Caroline Islands 1/1901 2m bl issue=yacht d=yacht (high value) perf=14.5x14
Germany 4/1/1902 2m graybl issue=1902 d=union of North and South (Deutsches Reich)
Germany 5/1902 2m graybl issue=1902 d=union of North and South (redesigned)
Germany 1905 2m graybl issue=1905 d=union of North and South (redesigned) wmk=lozenges perf=14x14.5
Bavaria 3/10/1911 2m dkgrn issue=Prince Regent Luitpold 90th d=Prince Regent Luitpold (m) wmk=horiz wavy lines close perf=11.5
Bavaria 12/1911 2m issue=1888 d=arms of Bavaria (1874) wmk=horiz wavy lines close perf=11.5
Bavaria 3/30/1914 2m vio issue=1914 d=King Ludwig III (m) wmk=horiz wavy lines close perf=11.5
British occupation of Togo 10/1/1914 2m issue=1914ab
British occupation of Togo 10/15/1914 2m issue=1914bb
Bavaria 1916 2m vio issue=1916 d=King Ludwig III (m) wmk=horiz wavy lines close imperf
Bavaria 3/1/1919 2m vio issue=1919b d=King Ludwig III (m) ovpt=Volkstaat//Bayern oc=blk on=1916-2m-vio-imperf wmk=horiz wavy lines close imperf
Bavaria 3/1/1919 2m vio issue=1919a ovpt=Volkstaat//Bayern oc=blk on=2m-vio-perf=11.5 perf=11.5
Bavaria 5/17/1919 2m graybl issue=1919c d=union of North and South (redesigned) ovpt=Freistaat//Bayern(fraktur) oc=blk on=issuer=Germany-issue=1905-2m-graybl wmk=lozenges perf=14x14.5
Bavaria 8/6/1919 2m vio issue=1919e d=King Ludwig III (m) ovpt=Freistaat//Bayern(roman) oc=blk on=1916-2m-vio-imperf wmk=horiz wavy lines close imperf
Bavaria 8/6/1919 2m vio issue=1919d d=King Ludwig III (m) ovpt=Freistaat//Bayern(roman) oc=blk on=1914-2m-vio-perf=11.5 wmk=horiz wavy lines close perf=11.5
Germany official 1920 2m dkbl issue=1920 official dt=numeral (1920) perf=14
Upper Silesia official 1920 2m dkbl issue=1920 official a dt=numeral (1920) ovpt=C.G.H.S. oc=blk on=issuer=Germany-issue=1920 official-2m perf=14
Schleswig 1/25/1920 2m dpbl issue=1920a d=view of Schleswig
Upper Silesia official 2/1920 2m car&bl issue=1920 official b d=Germania (Deutsches Reich) ovpt=C1.H.S in circle oc=blk on=issuer=Germany-2m-Germania (Deutsches Reich)-wmk=lozenges wmk=lozenges
Marienwerder 3/13/1920 2m dkvio d=symbolic
Upper Silesia 3/26/1920 2m dkbrn issue=1920c d=dove over mines larger
Marienwerder 3/27/1920 2m gray issue=1920b d=Germania (1916) ovpt=2 Mark 2//Commission//Interalliee//Marienwerder oc=blk on=issuer=Germany-1916-2 1/2pf wmk=lozenges perf=14
Bavaria 4/6/1920 2m issue=1920b on=issue=1920-2m
Schleswig official 5/20/1920 2m dpbl issue=1920 officials d=view of Schleswig ovpt=C.I.S. oc=blk on=2m-dpbl
Memel 7/7/1920 2m cl<olgrn issue=French overprinted d=Liberty & Peace ovpt=bars//MEMEL//value oc=blk on=issuer=France-1900-1fr-cl<olgrn perf=14x13.5
Marienwerder 7/11/1920 2m d=symbolic plebiscite
Memel 8/1/1920 2m graybl issue=German overprinted d=union of North and South (redesigned) ovpt=Memelgebiet oc=blk on=issuer=Germany-1905-2m wmk=lozenges perf=14x14.5
Germany 9/1920 2m car&bl issue=1920b d=Germania (Deutsches Reich) wmk=lozenges
Württemberg official communal 1921 2m gray issue=1906 communal wmk=crosses & circles perf=11.5x11
Germany 5/1921 2m vio&rose issue=1921 d=posthorn (1921) wmk=lozenges
Memel airmail 7/6/1921 2m cl<olgrn issue=1921 air d=Liberty & Peace ovpt=FLUGPOST oc=blk on=1920-2m perf=14x13.5
Germany airmail 1922 2m issue=1922 air d=carrier pigeon perf=14
Memel 1922 2m cl<olgrn issue=1922b d=Liberty & Peace ovpt=MEMEL(slanted)//value oc=blk on=issuer=France-1900-1fr-cl<olgrn perf=14x13.5
Memel 1922 2m grn&bl issue=1922b d=Liberty & Peace ovpt=MEMEL(slanted)//value oc=blk on=issuer=France-1906-45c-grn&bl perf=14x13.5
Germany official 1922 2m dkbl issue=1922 official d=numeral (1922) wmk=network perf=14x14.25
(plus 30 more) (See all uses as list)