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3l denom (#7053) (Tripolitania usage only)

  • TripolitanaZeppelin3lr.jpg
  • Colnect-1628-387-Fly-Roma---Buenos-Aires.jpg
Desc: 3l

Currency: Italian lira (100c=1l)

Numerical sorting value: 18000

Users of this denom: Cyrenaica (2 stamps, 1933-1934), Fiume (7 stamps, 1920-1924), Italian Colonies (3 stamps, 1932-1933), Italy (10 stamps, 1932-1948), Italian Social Republic (1 stamp, 1944), Aegean Islands (3 stamps, 1932-1935), Rhodes (1 stamp, 1934), Trieste (7 stamps, 1947-1949), Venezia Giulia (1 stamp, 1947), Tripolitania (2 stamps, 1933-1934), Vatican City (6 stamps, 1945-1954), German occupation of Ljubljana (1 stamp, 1945), Istria & Slovene Coast (2 stamps, 1946-1947) Show with all usages

Used by 2 stamps of Tripolitania: (See all uses as list)

5/5/1933 3l dkbrn issue=Graf Zeppelin d=Mercury & zeppelin
1/20/1934 3l grn issue=1934a ovpt=PRIMO VOLO DIRETTO//... oc=blk on=5l-grn-unissued

All are airmail