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8t denom (#7108)

  • Colnect-6017-726-Impala-Aepyceros-melampus.jpg
  • Colnect-3393-510-Decimal-coinage.jpg
  • Colnect-6030-755-Guilloche-spirals.jpg
  • Colnect-4972-450-Christ-on-the-Cross-from--The-Small-Passion--by-A-D%C3%BCrer.jpg
  • Colnect-4972-455-The-Resurrection-from--The-Small-Passion--by-Albrecht-D%C3%BCrer.jpg
  • Colnect-3401-581-Brachystegia-spiciformis.jpg
  • Colnect-1732-779-Paintings-by-Martin-Schongauer.jpg
  • Colnect-3401-587-Hawker-Siddeley-748.jpg
  • Colnect-1732-825-Lizard-and-cat-Chencherere-Hill.jpg
  • Colnect-3402-520-Athlete-and-Olympic-Rings.jpg
  • Colnect-3402-526-Madonna-and-Child-Enthroned-anonymous.jpg
  • Colnect-1732-840-Butterfly-Uranothauma-crawshayi.jpg
  • Colnect-1732-846-Dr-Livingstone-and-Map-of--Africa.jpg
  • Colnect-1732-851-Hand-zither.jpg
  • Colnect-6017-729-The-Three-Kings.jpg
  • Colnect-1732-863-Rainbow-Trout-Salmo-gairdneri.jpg
  • Colnect-2303-266-UPU-emblem-and-map-of-Africa.jpg
  • Colnect-6017-737-Capital-Hill-Lillongwe.jpg
  • Colnect-6017-733-Holy-Family.jpg
  • Colnect-864-251-Harlequin-Quail-Coturnix-delegorguei.jpg
  • Colnect-2233-278-Tridactyle-bicaudata.jpg
  • Colnect-6031-294-Spirals.jpg
  • Colnect-1448-913-Gold-Kawanga-Pseudotropheus-zebra.jpg
  • Colnect-6025-988-Earth-comet-and-Giotto-trajectories.jpg
  • Colnect-5524-361-Soccer-players.jpg
  • Colnect-3333-902-Pres-Banda.jpg
  • Colnect-1734-884-Virgin-and-Child-by-Botticelli.jpg
  • Colnect-864-281-Wattled-Crane-Grus-carunculata.jpg
  • Colnect-864-291-Oriole-Finch-Linurgus-olivaceus.jpg
Desc: 8t

Currency: Malawian kwacha (100t=1k)

Numerical sorting value: 480

Users of this denom: Malawi (32 stamps, 1971-1988)

Used by 32 stamps of Malawi: (See all uses as list)

2/15/1971 8t dt=animals (1971 Malawi) d=impala (1971) wmk=mult cockerel
2/15/1971 8t issue=new decimal coinage d=three decimal coins wmk=mult cockerel
postage due 2/15/1971 8t grn
4/7/1971 8t issue=Easter 1971 wmk=mult cockerel
4/7/1971 8t issue=Easter 1971 wmk=mult cockerel
7/14/1971 8t dt=flowering large plants d=Brachystegia spiciformis (1971) wmk=mult cockerel
11/10/1971 8t issue=Christmas 1971 d="The Holy Family" - M. Schongauer wmk=mult cockerel
2/9/1972 8t dt=airplanes (1972 Malawi) d=Hawker Siddeley 748 (1972) wmk=mult cockerel
5/10/1972 8t dt=rock paintings d=lizard & cat wmk=mult cockerel
8/9/1972 8t issue=Olympics 1972 wmk=mult cockerel
11/8/1972 8t issue=Christmas 1972 d=Madonna & Child Enthroned anonymous wmk=mult cockerel
2/7/1973 8t dt=butterflies (1973 Malawi) d=Uranothauma crawshayi wmk=mult cockerel
5/1/1973 8t issue=Death centenary of David Livingstone d=David Livingstone & map of Africa wmk=mult cockerel
8/8/1973 8t dt=musical instruments (1973 Malawi) d=Hand zither wmk=mult cockerel
11/8/1973 8t issue=Christmas 1973 d=The Three Kings wmk=mult cockerel
2/20/1974 8t issue=30th anniv. of Angling Society of Malawi d=rainbow trout (1974) wmk=mult cockerel
4/24/1974 8t issue=Centenary of Universal Postal Union d=UPU emblem & map of Africa showing Malawi wmk=mult cockerel
7/4/1974 8t issue=10th Anniversary Of Independence d=Capital Hill, City of Lilongwe wmk=mult cockerel
12/4/1974 8t issue=Christmas 1974 d=Holy Family wmk=mult cockerel
2/19/1975 8t dt=birds (1975 Malawi) d=Coturnix delegorguei wmk=mult cockerel
3/12/1975 8t dt=Lake Malawi ships d=Ilala II wmk=mult cockerel
postage due 10/19/1977 8t ltgrn issue=1977 due
postage due 1978 8t
1/2/1979 8t dt=orchids (1979 Malawi) d=Tridactyle bicaudata (1979)
postage due 6/14/1982 8t grn issue=1982 due
1/2/1984 8t issue=1984 dt=fishes (1984 Malawi) d=Pseudotropheus zebra (1984)
2/10/1986 8t issue=Halley's Comet d=Earth comet & Giotto trajectories
5/26/1986 8t issue=World Cup 1986
6/30/1986 8t issue=20th Anniversary of Republic d=President Banda
12/15/1986 8t issue=Christmas 1986 d="Virgin and Child" - Botticelli
2/16/1987 8t dt=Wattled Cranes d=Bugeranus carunculatus (1987)
7/25/1988 8t issue=1988 dt=birds (1988 Malawi) d=Linurgus olivaceus