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50p denom (#8211)

  • Colnect-1889-145-Books-for-Students.jpg
  • Colnect-2098-746-Cub-Scout-Den-Mother.jpg
  • Colnect-2322-400-Malnutrition.jpg
  • Colnect-2322-470-Overprinted.jpg
  • Colnect-2322-522-Cacao-Harvest.jpg
  • Colnect-1505-046-Photograph-and-fingerprint.jpg
  • Colnect-1889-525-Emblem-Map.jpg
  • Colnect-1891-086-Adoration-of-the-Kings.jpg
  • Colnect-1459-607-The-Deposition.jpg
  • Colnect-1891-093-Airmail-Envelope.jpg
  • Colnect-5783-376-World-Cup-Football-Germany.jpg
  • Colnect-1459-608-Warning-hands-sign.jpg
  • Colnect-2342-770-Overprinted.jpg
  • Colnect-2342-797-Immunization-of-Children.jpg
  • Colnect-1891-133-Overprinted.jpg
  • Colnect-2322-876-Fishing.jpg
  • Colnect-1333-520-Tribal-Chief-with-Elephant-Totem.jpg
  • Colnect-1334-612-Tribal-Chief---Elephant-Totem-OP-London-1980.jpg
  • Colnect-2229-495-Virgin-and-Child-Enthroned-with-Four-Angels.jpg
  • Colnect-1263-973-Western-Emperor-Swallowtail-Papilio-menestheus-2.jpg
  • Colnect-2345-502-Gold-Statue.jpg
Desc: 50p

Currency: Ghanaian cedi (100p=100gp=1ce=1c=1ghc)

Numerical sorting value: 3000

Equivalent denoms: 50Gp (44)

Users of this denom: Ghana (25 stamps, 1972-1983)

Used by 25 stamps of Ghana: (See all uses as list)

4/21/1972 50p issue=International Book Year d=Books for Students perf=13.5
10/2/1972 50p issue=65th Anniversary of Boy Scouts d=Cub Scout Den Mother perf=14
7/24/1973 50p issue=WHO 25th d=Malnutrition perf=14
8/14/1973 50p issue=24th Boy Scout Conference perf=14
9/11/1973 50p issue=World Food Program 10th d=Cacao Harvest perf=14.5
10/1/1973 50p issue=Interpol 50th d=Photograph & fingerprint perf=13.25x13.5
10/22/1973 50p issue=OAU 10th d=Emblem Map perf=14.5
12/10/1973 50p issue=Christmas 1973 d="Adoration of the Magi" - Tiepolo perf=14x14.5
4/17/1974 50p issue=Easter 1974 d=The Deposition perf=14x14.5
5/21/1974 50p issue=100th Anniversary of U.P.U. perf=14.5
6/7/1974 50p issue=INTERNABA '74 perf=14.5
6/17/1974 50p issue=World Cup 1974 perf=15
7/16/1974 50p issue=Ghana Drives Right d=Warning hands sign
8/30/1974 50p issue=World Cup 1974 winners perf=15
9/12/1974 50p issue=World Population Year d=Immunization of Children perf=12.5
8/15/1975 50p issue=Apollo-Soyuz on=issue=World Cup 1974-50p perf=15
5/15/1978 50p issue=Operation Feed Yourself d=Fishing perf=14.25x14
3/12/1980 50p issue=100th Anniversary of the Death of Sir Rowland Hill d=Tribal Chief with Elephant Totem
4/2/1980 50p issue=International Year of the Child perf=14.75
5/6/1980 50p issue=London '80 perf=14.75
5/8/1980 50p issue=Papal Visit perf=14.75
12/10/1980 50p issue=Christmas 1980 dt=paintings by Fra Angelico (1980) d="The Virgin and Child, enthroned perf=14.25x14
12/18/1980 50p issue=75th Anniversary of Rotary International perf=14x14.25
4/27/1982 50p dt=butterflies (1982 Ghana) d=Papilio menestheus (1982)
12/12/1983 50p issue=1983 perf=14