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4fr denom (#9333)

  • Colnect-1085-578-Hutu-Potter.jpg
  • Colnect-1077-836-Canoes-at-Stanleyville.jpg
  • Colnect-5206-742-Belgian-kings.jpg
  • Colnect-1087-513-Royal-Museum-of-Central-Africa-MRAC-Tervuren-Belgium-RW-.jpg
  • Colnect-1080-934-Globe-and-19thcentury-Full-rigged-Ship.jpg
  • Colnect-4307-156-Nymphaea-maculata.jpg
  • Colnect-1087-522-Nymphaea.jpg
  • Colnect-4439-953-Figure-on-new-design.jpg
  • Colnect-1082-265-Nymphaea---o--ptd.jpg
  • Colnect-1150-119-Belgian-Congo-BE-C315-with-overprint--KATANGA-.jpg
  • Colnect-1088-317-1e-participation-congres-of-UPU.jpg
  • Colnect-1093-573-Congo-peafowl-Afropavo-congensis.jpg
  • Colnect-1093-586-Reconciliation.jpg
  • Colnect-1093-602-BelCD-474-with-overprint.jpg
  • Colnect-1093-625-President-Kasavubu-BelCD-432-with-overprint-new-value.jpg
  • Colnect-5640-284-Palace-of-The-Nation-L%C3%A9opoldville-Kinshasa.jpg
  • Colnect-1096-820-General-Mobutu.jpg
Desc: 4fr

Currency: Congolese franc (100c=1fr)

Numerical sorting value: 24000

Users of this denom: Belgian Congo (5 stamps, 1932-1957), Democratic Republic of the Congo (8 stamps, 1960-1966), Katanga (2 stamps, 1960), RuandaUrundi (3 stamps, 1931-1953)

Used by 18 stamps: (See all uses as list)

RuandaUrundi 8/25/1931 4fr dkcar issue=1931 d=potter (1931)
Belgian Congo 1932 4fr issue=1931c d=Canoes at Stanleyville perf=11.5
Belgian Congo 8/15/1935 4fr d=Belgian kings perf=12.5x12
RuandaUrundi 1949 4fr yelbrn&blblk issue=1949 dt=Bantu art oc=blk on=1948-6fr
Belgian Congo 11/21/1949 4fr viobl issue=UPU 75th d=globe & sailing ship perf=12x11.75
Belgian Congo 5/2/1952 4fr issue=1952 dt=flowers (1952 Belgian Congo) d=Nymphaea perf=11.75
RuandaUrundi 3/1/1953 4fr dt=flowers (1953 RuandaUrundi) d=Nymphaea
Belgian Congo postage due 3/15/1957 4fr ltvio issue=1957 due perf=11.5
Democratic Republic of the Congo 6/6/1960 4fr issue=1960a flowers dt=flowers (1952 Belgian Congo) d=Nymphaea ovpt=CONGO oc=blk on=issuer=Belgian Congo-issue=1952-4fr perf=11.75
Katanga 9/22/1960 4fr issue=1960 flowers ovpt=KATANGA oc=blk on=issuer=Belgian Congo-4fr
Katanga postage due 12/30/1960 4fr
Democratic Republic of the Congo 1/28/1963 4fr orgred issue=UPU participation
Democratic Republic of the Congo 4/20/1963 4fr issue=1963 dt=birds (1963 Democratic Republic of the Congo) d=Afropavo congensis (1963)
Democratic Republic of the Congo 6/29/1963 4fr issue=national reconciliation
Democratic Republic of the Congo 12/18/1963 4fr orgred ovpt=15e anniv... oc=blk on=1/28/1963-4fr
Democratic Republic of the Congo 1964 4fr issue=currency reform b d=Kasavubu oc=blk on=6/30/1961-40c-Kasavubu
Democratic Republic of the Congo 9/15/1964 4fr org&blvio d=National Palace (1964)
Democratic Republic of the Congo 5/1/1966 4fr issue=Congo at work