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1.30fr denom (#9418)

  • Colnect-143-234-Iris.jpg
  • Colnect-141-697-Gorge-of-St-Juli%C3%A0.jpg
  • Colnect-143-502-Ceres-Mazelin.jpg
  • Colnect-144-469-Ch%C3%A2teau-de-Joux-Jura.jpg
  • Colnect-144-717-Haute-Provence-Observatory.jpg
  • Colnect-144-956-Gazelle-helicopter.jpg
  • Colnect-144-969-Auvergne-Regions.jpg
  • Colnect-145-181-Articraft.jpg
  • Colnect-145-209-Mushrooms--Oyster-of-the-olive-Omphalotus-olearius.jpg
  • Colnect-145-216-Francisque-Poulbot-1879-1946.jpg
  • Colnect-145-246-Sabine.jpg
  • Colnect-141-964-Judokas-in-the-fight.jpg
  • Colnect-145-260-Fine-crafts-The-lutherie.jpg
  • Colnect-145-281-The-choice-is-yours-Tobacco-or-Health.jpg
  • Colnect-145-287-CEPT--Aristide-Briand-1862-1932.jpg
  • Colnect-141-967-Charlemagne-742-814-King-of-the-Franks-and-Roman-Emperor.jpg
  • Colnect-141-971-Turk-s-cap-lily---Lilium-pyrenaicum.jpg
  • Colnect-145-291-Dunkirk-Congress-of-the-French-Federation-of-Philatelic-Soc.jpg
  • Colnect-145-294-International-Association-of-Public-Relations.jpg
  • Colnect-886-035-Leopard-Seal-Hydrurga-leptonyx.jpg
  • Colnect-888-090-Ice-pressure-in-Dumont-d-Urville-Sea.jpg
Desc: 1.30fr

Currency: French franc (100c=1fr)

Numerical sorting value: 7800

Users of this denom: Andorra (Fr) (4 stamps, 1941-1980), France (15 stamps, 1939-1980), French Southern & Antarctic Territories (2 stamps, 1980-1981)

Used by 21 stamps: (See all uses as list)

France 5/23/1939 1.30fr ultra issue=Iris d=Iris goddess (1939) perf=14x13.5
Andorra (Fr) 1/1/1941 1.30fr dkviobrn issue=1932 d=Gorge of St Julia
France 1947 1.30fr bl issue=1947 d=Ceres (1945) perf=14x13.5
France 2/6/1965 1.30fr d=Chateau de Joux perf=13
France 6/20/1970 1.30fr dt=scenic (1970 France) d=Haute Provence Observatory perf=13
France 5/31/1975 1.30fr issue=Development of the Gazelle Helicopter d=Gazelle helicopter perf=13
France 10/4/1975 1.30fr bl&red issue=Regions of France d=Auvergne perf=13
France 9/11/1978 1.30fr perf=13
France 1/13/1979 1.30fr yel issue=Mushrooms Precanceled perf=13
France 3/24/1979 1.30fr issue=100th Anniversary of the Birth of F. Poulbot perf=13
France 10/1/1979 1.30fr red issue=1979 Sabine d=Sabine perf=13
Andorra (Fr) 11/24/1979 1.30fr issue=World Judo Championship 1979 perf=13
France 12/8/1979 1.30fr issue=Handicrafts Violin Manufacture perf=13
France 4/5/1980 1.30fr issue=Anti-smoking Campaign perf=13
France 4/26/1980 1.30fr issue=Europa 1980 d=Aristide Briand perf=13
Andorra (Fr) 4/26/1980 1.30fr issue=Europa 1980 d=Charlemagne (1980) perf=13
Andorra (Fr) 5/17/1980 1.30fr issue=Nature protection 1980 perf=13
France 5/24/1980 1.30fr issue=Federation of French Philatelic Societies Congress 1980 d=Dunkirk perf=13
France 6/21/1980 1.30fr issue=25th Anniversary of International Public Relations perf=13
French Southern & Antarctic Territories 12/15/1980 1.30fr issue=1980 d=Hydrurga leptonyx (1980)
French Southern & Antarctic Territories airmail 12/11/1981 1.30fr issue=1981 air