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flowers and Insects from around the World design type

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Short desc: flowers and Insects from around the World

Things in this design type:
plant flower

Used by 18 stamps: (See all uses as list)

Gabon 8/11/1997 125fr d=Tigridia pavonia, Pieris sp. perf=14.25
Gabon 8/11/1997 225fr d=Strelitzia reginae, Acraeis sp. perf=14.25
Gabon 8/11/1997 260fr d=Zantedeschia aethiopica, Zonabris oculat… perf=14.25
Gabon 8/11/1997 500fr d=Orchis apifera, Notodonta dromedarius perf=14.25
Gabon 8/11/1997 260fr d=Tulipa sp. perf=14.25
Gabon 8/11/1997 260fr d=Phlox sp., Poebis philea perf=14.25
Gabon 8/11/1997 260fr d=Camellia amugashita perf=14.25
Gabon 8/11/1997 260fr d=Lilium sp., Vanessa atalanta perf=14.25
Gabon 8/11/1997 260fr d=Rosa sp., Hippodamia convergens perf=14.25
Gabon 8/11/1997 260fr d=Iris sp., Sibine stimulea perf=14.25
Gabon 8/11/1997 260fr d=Kalmia latifolia perf=14.25
Gabon 8/11/1997 260fr d=Gladiolus x gandavensis, Calopteryx macu… perf=14.25
Gabon 8/11/1997 260fr d=Narcissus pseudonarcissus (1997) perf=14.25
Gabon 8/11/1997 260fr d=Ipheion uniflorum, Hemaris thisbe perf=14.25
Gabon 8/11/1997 260fr d=Rudbeckia hirta perf=14.25
Gabon 8/11/1997 260fr d=Malope trifida grandiflora, Danaus plexi… perf=14.25
Gabon 8/11/1997 1500fr d=Pelargonium sp., Papilio zelicaon perf=14.25
Gabon 8/11/1997 1500fr d=Nymphaea gladstoniana, Anax junius perf=14.25