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Birds of Prey in Mercantour Park design type

  • Colnect-149-605-Short-toed-Snake-Eagle-Circaetus-gallicus.jpg
  • Colnect-149-606-Peregrine-Falcon-Falco-peregrinus.jpg
  • Colnect-149-607-Eurasian-Eagle-Owl-Bubo-bubo.jpg
  • Colnect-149-608-European-Honey-buzzard-Pernis-apivorus.jpg
  • Colnect-149-609-Boreal-Owl-Aegolius-funereus.jpg
Short desc: Birds of Prey in Mercantour Park

Used by 5 stamps: (See all uses as list)

Monaco 2/15/1993 2.00fr issue=Birds of Prey in Mercantour Park d=Circaetus gallicus (1993 Monaco) perf=13x12.75
Monaco 2/15/1993 3.00fr issue=Birds of Prey in Mercantour Park d=Falco peregrinus (1993 Monaco) perf=13x12.75
Monaco 2/15/1993 4.00fr issue=Birds of Prey in Mercantour Park d=Bubo bubo (1993)
Monaco 2/15/1993 5.00fr issue=Birds of Prey in Mercantour Park d=Pernis apivorus (1993)
Monaco 2/15/1993 6.00fr issue=Birds of Prey in Mercantour Park d=Aegolius funereus (1993)