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Austrian Library items design type

  • Colnect-136-609-Figures--amp--decoration-of-the-Roman-comedy--quot-Eunuchus-quot-.jpg
  • Colnect-136-610-Celestial-sphere-with-the-God-Chronos--amp--Heracles.jpg
  • Colnect-136-611-Ancient-country-home-in-Vienna-by-Anton-Stutzinger.jpg
  • Colnect-136-612-Illustration-from-the-book--quot-Buch-vom-liebentbrannten-Herzen-quot-.jpg
Short desc: Austrian Library items

Used by 4 stamps: (See all uses as list)

Austria 9/28/1966 1.50s d=Figures decoration of the Roman comedy Eunuchus perf=14
Austria 9/28/1966 1.80s d=Celestial sphere with the God Chronos Heracles perf=14
Austria 9/28/1966 2.20s d=Ancient country home in Vienna by Anton Stutzinger perf=14
Austria 9/28/1966 3s d=Illustration from the book Buch vom liebentbrannten Herzen perf=14