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views of Tunis design type

  • Colnect-1133-979-Djerbian-Minaret-Hotel-and-Marina-Jerba.jpg
  • Colnect-1133-980-17th-cent-minaret---modern-hotel-Tunis.jpg
  • Colnect-899-437-Fortress-earring---hotel-Monastir.jpg
  • Colnect-6293-769-View-of-Sousse-hotel---pendant.jpg
  • Colnect-1133-981-Town-wall-mosque---palms-Tozeur.jpg
  • Colnect-6293-768-Mosques---Arab-ornaments-Kairouan.jpg
Short desc: views of Tunis

Things in this design type:
city Tunis

Used by 6 stamps: (See all uses as list)

Tunisia 7/12/1975 10m d=Djerbian Minaret Hotel & Marina Jerba perf=14.5
Tunisia 7/12/1975 15m d=17th cent minaret modern hotel Tunis perf=14.5
Tunisia 7/12/1975 20m d=Fortress earring hotel Monastir perf=14.5
Tunisia 7/12/1975 65m d=View of Sousse hotel pendant perf=14.5
Tunisia 7/12/1975 500m d=Town wall mosque palms Tozeur perf=14.5
Tunisia 7/12/1975 1d d=Mosques Arab ornaments Kairouan perf=14.5