Aggregate public collection of Azerbaijan

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1 to 31 of 31
Obj What Descr State Condition Value Notes
Stamp_of_ADR1919.jpg stamp postage 1919 10k multi issue=1919 d=standard bearer *
Stamp_of_ADR1919-20_k.jpg stamp postage 1919 20k multi issue=1919 d=standard bearer *
Colnect-5682-269-Worker-and-Sun.jpg stamp postage 1919 40k multi issue=1919 d=farmer at sunset *
Colnect-5682-270-Worker-and-Sun.jpg stamp postage 1919 60k multi issue=1919 d=farmer at sunset *
Colnect-5682-421-Worker-and-Sun.jpg stamp postage 1919 1r multi issue=1919 d=farmer at sunset *
Azerbaijan_Democratic_Republic_Postage_Stamp%252C_1920-2rub.jpg stamp postage 1919 2r multi issue=1919 d=Baku *
Colnect-5682-423-Baku.jpg stamp postage 1919 5r multi issue=1919 d=Baku *
Colnect-5682-424-Baku.jpg stamp postage 1919 10r multi issue=1919 d=Baku *
FireTemple1919.jpg stamp postage 1919 25r multi issue=1919 d=Temple of Eternal Fires *
Colnect-5682-426-Temple-of-Eternal-Flames.jpg stamp postage 1919 50r multi issue=1919 d=Temple of Eternal Fires *
No image stamp postage 1922 1r graygrn issue=1921 *
No image stamp postage 1922 2r olblk issue=1921 *
Stamp_of_AzSSR1921.jpg stamp postage 1922 5r graybrn issue=1921 *
Stamp_of_AzSSR-1922-25r.jpg stamp postage 1922 25r orgbrn issue=1921 *
No image stamp postage 1922 50r vio issue=1921 *
Stamp_of_AzSSR-1922-100r.jpg stamp postage 1922 100r dlred issue=1921 *
Stamp_of_AzSSR-1922-150r.jpg stamp postage 10/1/1921 150r bl issue=1921 *
No image stamp postage 1922 250r vio&buff issue=1921 *
Stamp_of_AzSSR-1922-400r.jpg stamp postage 10/1/1921 400r dkbl issue=1921 *
No image stamp postage 1922 500r grayvio&blk issue=1921 *
Stamp_of_AzSSR-1922-2000r.jpg stamp postage 10/1/1921 2000r bl&blk issue=1921 *
No image stamp postage 1922 3000r brn&bl issue=1921 *
No image stamp postage 1922 5000r blk pc=olgrn issue=1921 *
No image stamp postage 1922 50000r multi issue=1922d d=standard bearer ovpt=value oc=blk on=1919-20k *
No image stamp postage 1922 200000r multi issue=1922d d=farmer at sunset ovpt=value oc=blk on=1919-1r *
No image stamp postage 1922 300000r multi issue=1922d d=Baku ovpt=value oc=blk on=1919-2r *
No image stamp postage 1922 500000r multi issue=1922d d=Baku ovpt=value oc=blk on=1919-5r *
No image stamp postage 1922 200000r multi issue=1922f d=farmer at sunset ovpt=value oc=blk on=1919-1r *
No image stamp semipostal 1922 500r multi d=carrying food *
No image stamp semipostal 1922 1000r multi d=widow&orphans *
No image sheet o

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