Sheets of Cuba, 2006

Issuer Date Desc State
- no image Cuba 3/25/2006 Havana '06, sheet of 1 type
- no image Cuba 5/19/2006 empty sheet (#23037) incomplete
- no image Cuba 5/24/2006 Dinosaurs 2006, sheet of 1 type
- no image Cuba 6/15/2006 fowl 2006, sheet of 1 type
- no image Cuba 7/20/2006 Airplanes 2006, sheet of 1 type
Cuba 8/18/2006 Dogs 2006, sheet of 1 type
Cuba 9/1/2006 7th Hispano-Cuban Philatelic Exposition, Granada, sheet of 2 types
- no image Cuba 9/20/2006 Espana 06, sheet of 1 type
- no image Cuba 10/1/2006 Animals Serving Man, sheet of 1 type
- no image Cuba 11/1/2006 BELGICA '06, sheet of 2 types
- no image Cuba 11/13/2006 Fire Fighting and Rescue Equipment, sheet of 1 type