Stampdesc Costa Rica, type=postal tax-1960

desc_issuer: Costa Rica
desc_function: postal tax
desc_year: 1960

Related descs: issuer=Costa Rica-1959 issuer=Costa Rica-1961 issuer=Costa Rica-type=postal tax-1959 issuer=Costa Rica-type=postal tax-1961

Not used by any overprinted stamps.

Used by 3 (0 visible) images: See images as array

Matches 4 types:
Costa Rica postal tax 12/1/1960 5c brn issue=1960 tax d=Father Peralta unwmk perf=14
Costa Rica postal tax 12/1/1960 5c org issue=1960 tax d=Girl with Flowers by A. Renoir unwmk perf=14
Costa Rica postal tax 12/1/1960 5c lil issue=1960 tax d=Boy and a Man by D. Velasquez unwmk perf=14
Costa Rica postal tax 12/1/1960 5c graybl issue=1960 tax d=Singing Children by F. Zuniga unwmk perf=14