Stampdesc Luxembourg, 1866-37 1/2c

desc_issuer: Luxembourg
desc_year: 1866
desc_denom: 37 1/2c

Related descs: issuer=Luxembourg-1865-30c issuer=Luxembourg-1867

Used by 2 overprinted stamps:
Luxembourg postage 10/28/1872 1fr och issue=1865b d=arms of Luxembourg in oval ovpt=UN FRANC. oc=blk on=1866-37 1/2c unwmk perf=roul colored
Luxembourg postage 1879 1fr och issue=1875 d=arms of Luxembourg in oval ovpt=Un Franc. oc=blk on=1866-37 1/2c unwmk perf=roul colored

Not used by any images.

Matches 1 type:
Luxembourg postage 1866 37 1/2c och issue=1865b d=arms of Luxembourg in oval unwmk perf=roul colored