Stampdesc Bulgaria, 1s-blk

desc_issuer: Bulgaria
desc_denom: 1s
desc_color: blk

Used by 2 overprinted stamps:
Allied occupation of Thrace postage 1919 1s blk issue=1919a d=Sobranye Palace ovpt=THRACE INTERALLIEE oc=blk on=issuer=Bulgaria-1s-blk unwmk
Allied occupation of Thrace postage 1919 1s blk issue=1919b d=Sobranye Palace ovpt=THRACE//INTERALLIEE oc=blk on=issuer=Bulgaria-1s-blk unwmk

Not used by any images.

Matches 1 type:
Bulgaria postage 10/3/1919 1s blk issue=1919 d=Sobranye Palace unwmk