Stamps, 10000s=100k=100nk=1z=1nz currency

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Democratic Republic of the Congo


1967, Sep 11 OAU conference issue ovpted National Palace unwmk (no perf info) (6 stamps)
X 1k on 2fr carbrn & blvio National Palace
X 3k on 5fr grayvio & grn National Palace
X 5k on 4fr org & blvio National Palace
X 6.6k on 1fr National Palace
X 9.6k on 50c National Palace
X 9.8k on 3fr grn & orgbrn National Palace

1967, Oct 8 childrens day issue ovpted
X 1k on 6fr multi
X 9k on 9fr multi

1967, Oct 9 new constitution issue ovpted
X 4k on 2fr
X 5k on 2fr
X 21k on 4fr

1967, Oct 16 BAC flight issue ovpted
X 9.6k on 7fr multi

1967, Oct 16 1st Congolese Games issue ovpted
X 1k on 5fr multi
X 9.6k on 15fr multi

1967, Oct 24 Tourism Year issue ovpted
X 5k on 50c National Palace Scott says 2/10/68
X 10k on 6fr purbrn & org National Palace Scott says 2/10/68
X 15k on 3fr grn & orgbrn National Palace Scott says 2/10/68

1968, Jul ovpted
X 1k on 2fr carbrn & blvio National Palace
X 2k on 50c National Palace
X 2k on 50c National Palace
X 9.6k on 4fr org & blvio National Palace

1968, Oct ovpted
X 10k on 2fr

1968, Nov 5
X 2k leopard
X 9.6k leopard

1968, Dec 20 Congo at work ovpt issue ovpted (6 stamps)
X 15s on 2fr
X 1k on 6fr
X 3k on 10fr
X 5k on 12fr
X 20k on 15fr
X 50k on 24fr

1968, Dec 30 Human Rights Year issue
X 2k
X 9.6k
X 10k
X 40k

1969, Jan 27 ovpted
X 2k ovpt
X 9.6k ovpt
X 10k ovpt
X 40k ovpt

1969, May 2 Kinshasa Fair issue (5 stamps)
X 2k cotton&map&emblem
X 6k
X 9.6k
X 9.8k
X 11.6k

1969, Jun 30 Kinshasa Fair 2 issue
X 2k
X 3k
- 10k
- 25k

1969, Jul 22 1969 issue
X 10s org & blk arms of Congo
X 15s ultra & blk arms of Congo
X 30s grn & blk arms of Congo
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