Stamps, 10 Feb 1940

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1940, Feb 10 1940 due issue numeral wmk. e p. 14x15 (10 stamps)
- 1/2p yelgrn numeral
- 1p red numeral
- 1 1/2p rose numeral
- 2p blgrn numeral
- 3p bl numeral
- 5p blvio numeral
- 6p brncar numeral
- 8p redorg numeral
- 10p lil numeral
- 1sh grn numeral



1940, Feb 10 Red Cross 1940 issue unwmk (no perf info) (15 stamps)
- 20c+1f dkvio Cathedral of Monaco
- 0.25+1F dkgrn St Nicholas Square & fountain
- 0.30+1F brncar Castle entrance
- 0.40+1F St Nicholas Square & fountain
- 0.45+1F car Roads of Monaco from birds eye view
- 0.50+1F lilbrn Clocktower of the palace
- 0.60+1F dkgrn Castle entrance
- 0.75+1F sep Monte Carlo harbor
- 1+1F scar Clocktower of the palace
- 2+1F St Nicholas Square & fountain
- 2.50+1F grn Roads of Monaco from birds eye view
- 3+1F dkultra Monte Carlo harbor
- 5+1F sep Cathedral of Monaco
- 10+5F grnbl Roads of Monaco from birds eye view
- 20+5F brnlil Castle entrance

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