Postage stamps of Finland

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1856, Mar 1 unwmk imperf
- 5k bl arms of Finland
- 10k rose arms of Finland

1858, Mar 8
- 5k bl arms of Finland

1860, Jan 1 p. rouletted
- 5k bl arms of Finland
- 10k rose arms of Finland

1866, Jan 1 1866 issue p. serp roul (6 stamps)
- 5p viobrn arms of Finland
- 8p blk arms of Finland
X 10p blk, yel arms of Finland (1870)
- 20p bl arms of Finland
- 40p rose arms of Finland
- 1m yelbrn arms of Finland

1875 1875 issue arms of Finland (10 stamps)
- 2p gray arms of Finland, p. 11
X 5p org arms of Finland, p. 11
- 5p yel arms of Finland, p. 11
- 8p blgrn arms of Finland, p. 11
- 10p brn arms of Finland, p. 11 (1881)
X 20p ultra arms of Finland, p. 11
- 25p car arms of Finland, p. 11 (1879)
- 32p car arms of Finland, p. 11
- 32p lake arms of Finland, p. 14x13.5
- 1m vio arms of Finland, p. 11 (1877)

1881 1881 issue arms of Finland p. 12.5 (6 stamps)
- 2p gray arms of Finland (1882)
- 5p org arms of Finland
X 10p brn arms of Finland
X 20p ultra arms of Finland (1882)
X 25p rose arms of Finland (1882)
- 1m vio arms of Finland (1882)

1885 1885 issue arms of Finland (7 stamps)
X 5p emer arms of Finland
X 10p car arms of Finland
X 20p org arms of Finland
X 25p ultra arms of Finland
X 1m gray & rose arms of Finland
- 5m grn & rose arms of Finland
- 10m brn & rose arms of Finland

1889, Nov 5 1889 issue arms of Finland (10 stamps)
X 2p sl arms of Finland
X 5p grn arms of Finland
X 10p car arms of Finland
X 20p org arms of Finland
- 20p yel arms of Finland
X 25p bl arms of Finland
X 25p ultra arms of Finland (1891)
X 1m sl & rose arms of Finland
- 5m grn & rose arms of Finland
- 10m brn & rose arms of Finland (1890)

1891 1891 issue (6 stamps)
X 1k orgyel arms of Russia
X 2k grn arms of Russia
- 3k car arms of Russia
X 4k rose arms of Russia
X 7k dkbl arms of Russia
X 10k dkbl arms of Russia
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