Stamps of Corfu, 0 perf

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1941, Jun 5 1941 issue ovpted on stamps of Greece (no perf info) (16 stamps)
- 5l brn & bl ovpt, contest with bull, w. crowns
- 10l ovpt, lady of Tiryns, v. corrected, w. crowns
- 10l ovpt, lady of Tiryns, v. TYPI, w. crowns
- 20l blk & dkgrn ovpt, Zeus of Dodona, w. crowns
- 40l blk & blkgrn ovpt, Coin of Amphiktyony, w. crowns
- 50l brn & blk ovpt, Diagoras of Rhodes, w. crowns
- 80l blkvio & orgbrn ovpt, Venus of Melos, w. crowns
- 1.50d grn ovpt, statue King Constantine, w. unwmk
X 2d ultra ovpt, Naval Battle of Salamis, w. crowns
- 5d red ovpt, Panathenaic Procession, w. crowns
- 6d olbrn ovpt, Alexander the Great at Issos battle, w. crowns
- 7d ovpt, Apostle Paul on Arios Pagos, w. crowns
- 10d ovpt, Church of St Demetrios Thessaloniki, w. crowns
- 15d grn ovpt, Leon Isavros & the destruction of Arabs, w. crowns
- 25d dkbl ovpt, Glory of Psara, w. crowns
- 30d orgbrn ovpt, statue King Constantine, w. unwmk


1941 1941 air issue wmk. crowns (12 stamps)
- 50l brnvio
- 50l brn
- 1dr car
- 2d bl
- 5d vio
- 7d ultra
- 10dr org
- 10dr brn
- 25dr rosecar
- 30dr grn
- 50dr vio
- 100dr brn

postage due

1941, Jun 5 1941 due issue wmk. crown (Italy) (11 stamps)
- 10l car 43
- 25l ultra 45
- 80l dkpur 49
- 1dr ltbl 50a
- 2d 51
- 5d grayblk 58
- 10dr blgrn 59, Perf: 13
- 15dr redbrn 60, Perf: 13
- 25dr rose 61, Perf: 13
- 50dr org 62
- 100dr grn 63

postal tax

1941, Jun 5 1941 tax issue
- 10l dkredvio
- 50l dkgrn
- 1dr dkbl

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